
Damn. I understand. That would make me nervous too. I think what you are saying is reasonable (they should give him the degree because none of it is his fault) but I have to warn you that academics are assholes with very high standards. I think you should tell him that everything will be ok but you should be prepared

My family are like your husband’s family and it definitely takes a toll. My husband and I have had rob bring relatives from overseas to receive care, get relatives out of jail, pay for last minute paperwork and plane tickets, etc. All for situations that could have been avoided if my relatives had minimum common

It depends on his specific program and advisor. Has his advisor ever had students that were denied their PhDs? I feel not, he’ll probably be fine :). Like others already said advisors do not usually let the student schedule their defense if they think the student will fail but there are exceptions and some academics

Brexit didn’t go through life grabbing women by the pussy though

It also depends on his age. If he is on his early 20s you have hope. If he is on his late 20s he’s a jackass set on his ways and you should run

That is very funny and sort of scary.

It’s the same complain conservatives have about academia. Most professors are liberal so academia has a liberal bias....mmmmhhh

This is on point and terrifying.

Someone needs to explain to this idiot that insulting and being critical are two very different things.

That is a fun one!

I am going to sound crazy but I had this idea months ago! In my mind the taco trucks would also be blasting the many popular Mexican music songs about the undocumented experience:

No, there isn’t.

Yes! It is a good honest show. Give it an opportunity. You won’t be disappointed.

I don’t love Josh but I am not convinced by Greg either. He seems bitter and I don’t like how long it took him to admit to her that he loves her.

My respect to you.

Agh. My primary care doctor is a black woman. I wonder if she puts up with things like these agh. That would be awful. I hope she doesn’t but I bet she does. Agh. I hate the world.

I hear you! I left academia but I used to do the same introducing myself as professor and asking them to address me that way.

This is eye opening.

I got several Clinton Kaine buttons that I put in my gym bag and travel bag and I live in a red state (blue city but still). I have been fine :).

Not a bonus structure but my boss gives me that kind of ambiguous bullshit feedback. She wants me to make my presentations more “visually impactful”. She says that in our team “we don’t work with authority but peer to peer” and then she gets really mad at me when I try to make suggestions well within my area of