
Shoot. Turns out I was right. The two trailers released today show us nearly the entire arc, while, admittedly, keeping much of the detail close to the chest.

I know this is nit-picky, but this show really harps on realism, & thus far, has gone to great (if subtle) lengths to justify & clarify that realism (for example: it always bugged me that Freddy is the "king" of Rikers, which makes no sense, as Rikers is a jail, not a prison; but in this episode, they clarified that

^ THIS (for reference, see: Vaughn, Vincent)

I don't mean to be a debbie downey, but it's probably going to be a pizz'o shit.

Netflix is only releasing six until next year. I think watching 4/6 is fair in this case.

In peace I go indeed! Y'know, I guess I'd hoped that implicit in my response was an acknowledgment that in order for me to have been so deeply-affected (even if it manifested in a negative sense), the show must've gone somewhere uncommonly risky & audacious (even if I'd argue it does so in bad faith). I guess what

I hated this episode. I watched it weeks ago, & I just really really hated it. It left me feeling angry, icky, depressed, & kind of cheated. Something about this episode just felt really really forced & unfair. I don't give a shit about BoJack anymore. He's just an asshole, & by season 3 none of it really feels

Don't worry: the next trailer will show you the opening shot, the rising action, the climax, the falling action, & the last shot of the movie, too, but jumbled-up so the audience isn't totally certain what they've seen, until they actually sit down in the theatre, & they realize that they've already seen everything

Unlikely. If he took Adderall that night, it's likely he's taken it before — at the very least, it wasn't his first time, & he knew what he was getting into. So: in the past, the Adderall didn't give him any sort of manic or pre-manic symptoms, otherwise he wouldn't've likely taken it again.

Wait, you subscribe to Esquire?

Wait. I'm willing to buy that you already knew what a Stetson Boss of the Plains was; but I have to ask: did you already know what a Chiappa Rhino was? Or did you look it up for emphasis in this review? Is Mr. Vishnevetsky a closet gun enthusiast-slash-collector? Does Mrs. Vishnevetsky have a pink glock stored in

I appreciate your optimism & I'm happy to join you in anticipation, it just won't be breathless is all. Maybe that's a good thing, though; after all, it's possible it's all by design, meant to assuage our anticipation to the point that we're primed to be caught-off-guard.

Joey Bada$$ is by far the best part of this season. He's mysterious & compelling but not in an in-your-face way. That is: his mystery doesn't rely on some kind of twist or secret or resolution, really. It's just personality & presence.

Yeah, no, this definitely isn't a comeback.

This looks like it's loosely-inspired by this woman's case, or maybe a "little boy" character is common to the very very tiny number of "true," or at least clinically-acknowledged, cases of multiple- or split-personality disorder.…

Anyone else notice that Mr Peanutbutter & Todd nominated THE LEISURE CLASS for an Oscar??? Deep cut, that one.

It's like writing a review of VEEP where you complain that if they're going to have a woman president as a main character, she should be less of a vindictive, shallow, "bitchy," hateful person; & that somehow, by having her be all of those things, the show is "endorsing" that perspective of women leaders.

What confuses me are all of the reviews calling this show callous & racist & sexist & misguided, etc.

I just finished the final episode. I liked it, probably as much as I did the previous seasons (which was enough to watch all the way through, but not enough to not need a refresher on all the ongoing story beats before starting this season), & I appreciate the skillful work of everybody involved, but something about

Please, help me out here: what, indeed, was it that MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. was trying to accomplish? I saw it in theaters & it just…well, it didn't register. I have no recollection of any aspect of that movie, not even the parts in the trailer.