

Been reposting this test of the A5 quite a bit, because people buy into the multicore myth just like they used to buy into the Mhz myth and the megapixel myth. Here:

Would you be interested in seeing an actual test of performance, of the A5 (not A5X) vs the Tegra 3?

"So let me get this straight, on just CPU to CPU performance, a chip with 2 Cortex A9 processors on it is twice as fast as a chip with 5 (4 full speed, 1 nerfed) Cortex A9 processors on it... I'll believe that when I see it."

There is a significant difference: No one needs to license Apple's patents. Their terms don't have to be fair or reasonable. Moto's patents are necessary and have different licensing requirements.

The patent is for a method of auto detection. It is not possible for Apple to patent auto detection as a concept. They can only come up with a new method to achieve the general goal. This patent is for that method.

Not to mention the fact that 3D is mostly a gimmick and a waste of money, especially for a device like this.

I don't think it's fair to Woz to try to compare him with someone like DaVinci or Tesla or whomever from over a century (or more) ago. As our knowledge of science progresses, the breakthroughs become progressively smaller. There's no comparison between the first lightbulb and the first personal computer. Or

Your question answers itself. iPhones are still referred to as iPhones, whether it's the 3GS or the 4S, just as iMacs are still iMacs, whether it's the G3 or late 2010 model. iPods are referred to by generation, but those labels would be confusing in the mobile phone world for reasons that should be obvious. Lastly,

"So if I lived in the US and wanted to buy something with Sterling I would be breaking the law even though the vendor would be willing to take my squids?"

"As you can't see the files, there is some security concern because you could be downloading something completely different and you wouldn't even know."

"And the problem with their streaming library is that it is stale. After a year, maybe two, most users will have exhausted all of the content they wanted to watch."

"Maybe someone else will take up the streaming mantle, but your days are almost done."

"The cells actually do not create the mitochondria either (ok, you navigated your way around saying that, but I just call you out on it)"

I really meant that Apple is bigger company in terms of economic power (why else would Apple fear them?). Apple's revenues dwarf Microsoft. If they got into a hypothetical patent court-fight where no side was exhausted until they couldn't pay their legal fees anymore, Apple would win easily. Obviously, that's never

Jokes, guys. Jokes...


"When you exercise, your muscles create something called mitochondria"

It was introduced in Lion, and it's a two finger swipe. It should be enabled by default. Recently, Chrome and Firefox have enabled the gesture for the OS X version of their apps.

Apple and Microsoft have a very long history of suing each other, actually. But they also have a history of cross-licensing, so if there are no lawsuits, that's the more likely reason.