
"Swiping to navigate back and forward makes perfect sense; it's how every mobile web browser should navigate. Double tapping zooms in, or out, even when IE is running in Snap state (a small, minimized version that runs in the side of the main window). Zooming and panning is fluid, reacting just as you would expect a

Money laundering is besides the point. It's illegal to create a currency that competes with US fiat currency (the Dollar).

"There are many companies that actually do this in the USA - they are bartering companies, and you can accumulate "barter bucks," in other words their own currency. I think they are just creating confusion."

I'm pretty certain it's illegal in the U.S. to attempt to create a new currency. Eric Schmidt is, once again, talking crazy.

I've actually been finding my stuff gets to me faster. I'm not sure that either of our observations are a function of magnet links, though.

uTorrent makes it very easy to select specific files in a download. The inconvenience between deselecting files before you start downloading and deselecting just after you start downloading is a matter of seconds. I feel like your resistance comes more from change than from any real logistical difference.

Try uTorrent.

Magnet links are great, people. No worries!

"Well, this kinda blasts a hole right through the middle of the only benefit to a closed ecosystem, doesn't it?"

I honestly don't see how you could complain about the opinion that it is not innovative.

I'm not entirely convinced that Apple was ever trying to create an actual TV, but if they are, updating the Apple-TV-Which-Is-Not-A-TV doesn't conflict with the idea of an Apple-TV-Which-Is-A-TV. If Microsoft started making feature-rich TVs, for example, there would be little reason for them to stop making XBoxes.

"What's wrong with reviewing a beta product if the reader knows that it's a review of a beta product?"

"How dare they critique Apple?"

Quoting a line where the writer states that he is reviewing a beta product doesn't explain why he is reviewing a beta product.

How is Gizmodo reviewing an unfinished product? Are they going to post a review of Windows 8 Consumer Preview next week?

Interesting if you like your phone in multiple pieces. I think you can stick this firmly in the "rumor" category.

"Oh cute"

"You know when someone makes a negative assertion about you it's generally not a good idea to"

"What have I told you about quotations?"

"Not my fault if you"