
"This is just a continuation of a suit Motorola started before the acquisition (read the article). Not exactly the same as Google starting a suit."

"So...why hasn't there been an ethical consumer electronics movement?"

"What windows is on a PC is completely relevant."

"So counter-suing someone once is considered patent trolling now?"

"Google would not have authorized the lawsuit if Apple never sued Samsung."

No "Down With Google, They Refuse to Compete So They Patent Troll the Competition!" comments? Huh.

I can't believe anyone still quotes BGR rumors without big, bold scare quotes around everything.

"Windows 8 is the replacement for Windows 7, which is their Desktop OS and holds 34% of global market share (which when combined with XP accounts for over 90% of desktop OS market share.)"

R&D is hardly the problem with Microsoft's mobile strategy, though.

You didn't stare long enough. There should be color in the after-image.

When was the 360 made obsolete? Reading your comments, one would be lead to believe that the 360 isn't a market leader, and hasn't been diverting talent (and attention) away from PC gaming.

Windows people have been saying this for years, but what was true then is still true now: you can't stick desktop apps onto a touch interface. You have to rebuild them, conceptually, from the ground up. Microsoft finally got it with WP7, but the ecosystem for their tablets are starting from scratch.

"Apple had a virtual dominance with tablets in 2010, in 2011 their share of tablet sales dropped to the low 60's."

They absolutely sell your private info, and the only way they can do that is by having access to your chats, and your e-mail, and your browsing history. I'm not saying that they tell advertisers who the info belongs to (as far as we know, they don't), but your info is what makes their ad business so valuable.

Private information and anonymous information are different (by law, actually). 18 year old male, living in Wichita, Kansas, earning $30,000 a year with one kid, married, is private information, whether you can locate the owner of that info or not.

"...and they are not selling private information. Period."


These frivolous lawsuits are bad for Apple, too. Yesterday, Dan Lyons reported that Apple blew a cool $100 million on their first lawsuit against HTC. What did they get for it? In the immortal words of Chris Farley, "JACK SQUAT." Apparently HTC already has a simple workaround that will allow them to escape the patent

Yeah, what's the point of publicly stating your motto is "Don't Be Evil" if you can't betray that trust in fantastic ways?

Yeah, I'd love to see proof that Apple has any intention of moving their manufacturing away from China. Meanwhile: