Mayor McCheese

What? People who have put up with a man who has destroyed health insurance, allowed a terrorist attack to take place on American soil at least once during every year of his administration and increased debt to a level we may never be able to come back from, these people are tired of that? tell me more. But Trump said

Stick to cars and stay out of politics, the anti Trump rhetoric on these Gawker sites is unbearable. If it were a Hillary car you would be all for it. Of course have the competitors would have died under mysterious circumstances and she would would left her pit crew to die in some miserable desert knowing they could

No one is offended, but keep telling people they are. Change the name of the White Socks, that’s racist. Change the name of the Blue Jackets because it might might offend families of those who died in the Civil War. Change the name of the Predators because it offends sexual predators. Change the name of the Pirates

No one is offended, but keep telling people they are. I had tacos for dinner last night and that makes me a racist

“a respectful but resolute kneel” you spelled Disrespectful wrong

Silly democrats, like you really had a choice in the primary. Crazy old Bernie could have won 95% of the delegates and Hillary only would have needed 5% of her ultra-mega-super-outstanding delegates to win. Rigged. Good luck with trying to turn the U.S. into Venezuela though, that’s a smart idea.

All this site does is promote the disrespectful kneeling shouting 1st amendment right. A catcher shares his opposing opinion and its Barf. Stay classy leftist ignorant Gawker.

You spelled Riots wrong