
My CX-5 is okay, but sliding doors would be nice.

That's probably a good a guess as any - there was a horizontal line on the front corner that threw me off, but might be that light cluster, and the rear is a little more rounded than I remembered. And, like you say, quite prominent in their history.

It’s certainly less common for franchise dealers, but I used to do the pictures for used cars, and there were plenty of dealers who’d throw their trade-ins online to see if there’s any demand. Absolute sketchiest was a 3rd gen Integra sedan that looked half-decent from the driver’s side, but had clearly been gently

Worst used car you’ve ever seen? I mean, I guess taking the $6k asking into account, but cars like this are the lifeblood of every single small or impoverished town north of the Mason-Dixon line. It might be ugly, it might be unsafe, but it runs, and the roof’s still there.

The dickheads are already acting like dickheads regardless of legality, changing laws would just encourage the ones who’d be far more likely to be courteous to start lane splitting.

For the cupholder easter eggs, the middle is clearly a ‘59, I’m assuming the one on the left is some form of V16 like this ‘37. Is the right not just the Sollei?

I would love to see far more stringent regulations on light truck/SUV, combined with marginally more permissive requirements on passenger cars. Maybe I’m imagining it, but I’m a bit longer of torso (not tall, just all my height is above the waist), and I find newer cars are starting to feel more cramped, presumably

I get that, it was more just interesting because of its impact in a very specific niche where the rest have all started to blend into each other.

There’s way more from the original Fast and the Furious that’s lived on in the car community, certainly far more than any of the rest of the series (except maybe the nebulous concept of FAMBLY, which has grown throughout the series). 10 second car? Overnighted parts from Japan? Two bottles of NOS, big ones? Danger to

The Impala thing was a cost savings, basically that they bought in high enough volume that GM was willing to do it, and high enough volume that it represented a savings that initially justified it (although the fallout and residual hit after it became public might’ve wiped out that benefit).

The one semi-infamous example was Enterprise ordering a batch of Impalas with the side curtain airbags deleted about 15 years back, but otherwise yes, they’re all just consumer-grade models.

I’d wager quite a few M5 buyers work in downtown offices where low/no emissions zones are a looming threat.

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I was certain I remembered more North American Nissan ads with Paul Newman, as he was racing them pretty heavily, but all I can find is a seatbelt PSA and probably some print ads (and might also be thinking of Mazda’s ads with James Garner, which are also great), but I’ll take Japanese-market Skyline ads.

I had an ‘04 Accent (1.6L, 4A), my lifetime average was only 26mpg, and I had a handful of tanks drop into the high teens (I also only had one tank ever beat 35mpg), through lots of city driving. Just a miserable little shitbox, and mine was only 10 years old and didn’t have much wrong with it that wasn’t wrong when

Never going to claim that (I don’t believe I’d read it until just now), I hadn’t even heard of Shirley Jackson until the movie with Elizabeth Moss, just did a quick read a couple weeks ago.

See,that at least makes sense, the LX was embraced by, well, damn near everyone, but certainly hip hop.

I’m really seeing YouTube nightmare fuel that tries to trick you into thinking it’s for kids, hoping you’re using it as a babysitter.

I love the Nautica for goofy nostalgia reasons, but yeah, I’m not sure that much of the yacht club type (or wannabe yacht club type) were aspiring to minivans by ‘93. Now, if they’d done a Mountaineer Nautica, those things probably would’ve been everywhere.

Yes, absolutely some combination of letters (I went MG CB, but yours is probably better).

Want to guess what clothing brand Chrysler paired with for a special edition 200?