
The Lotus cup thong remembers.

Does the parking spot belong to the laneway house or the connected property? Were it my own to build, it’d be unit over garage instead of the hyper narrow two-story, but I’m guessing this is either regulation driven, or for the sake of the older unit behind getting access to parking.

I wouldn’t be shocked if “Laguna Caves” is a nod to Laguna Seca raceway. As well, I didn’t really appreciate it at the time, but with the exaggerated front fenders, the headrest fairing, the general shape of it, slap a set of wheels on Anakin’s pod, and it would fit in rather well in vintage racing, surrounded by just

Similar to the Louisville one, there’s naturally a ton of LX cars in the Brampton area where they’re built (a pretty good deal of late-model Wranglers too, I’m assuming employee/family discounts). And because Brampton has a massive South Asian population, they’re well-represented among the LX drivers, and I just kind

Pedantically, the Camaro is a pony car, not a muscle car.

This better?

I was ready to bemoan the overused trope of nefarious real estate development, and that I want a movie where it’s a bunch of grey hairs who just don’t want to share their paradise behind the scheme, but that’s Hot Fuzz, so carry on.

I’m not saying this is what she should have done to her future Dino, but at this point she just joined a short list of people who could maybe get away with it.

I think we're burying the lede here, that the Italians managed to program passable AI 35 years ago, all while preoccupied with finding their next mistress, because this reads like modern used car ad copy through a filter of extreme horniness.

It looks like it evolves to Caychu.

There’s a pretty long list of lame cars I loved, but one that stands out is from when my parents were shopping for a new car in 1990. They tested a pretty decent selection of stuff and I eagerly tagged along as a budding car geek. But when they went to check out a Dodge Colt Vista, the last one on the lot had sold and

Considering it’s still a factory option on the E-Class wagon, it’s probably not the rear-facing portion that’s the issue.

I believe the sensible option is to grab a pair of jump seats from a Subaru Brat (DOT-approved!) and bolt those in.

Routine? I’m lucky to have time for a biyearly shop vac of the car (even with one in the garage). We don’t talk about what it looks like under my kid’s car seat.

He’s our preeminent farting corpse with hidden layers of depth!

As far as 2nd gen F-body-based art goes, Trans Am Apocalypse goes so much harder.

In that case, up until a couple months ago, Hellcats (and the other LX’s, really) were unquestionably carrying that flag (and will only continue to do so as long as they’re available on BHPH lots).

Some of it might be a shifting long-term outlook (unlike stocks, it’s unlikely Tesla residuals will substantially appreciate from where they currently are), some of it is the inherent holding cost of what might be an underutilized asset (selling these can free up capital for more profitable opportunities), and some

Sorry, am a CX-5 owner (albeit Canadian market) - I’m assuming from that passage that higher spec models must have auto-levelling. I just used the picture above because it’s got the same adjustment dial as mine in the same spot, which seems enough to confirm it’s legal. For anyone without that kind of control, it’s

I think that’s a Toyota of some kind, I just grabbed a random picture, but hoser68 summed it up pretty well.