
These days, they are probably just trying to catch a Pokemon in your vicinity.

This woman just kept A LOT of women who were insecure about their bodies from setting foot in a gym. She has been valued for her looks for so long, she probably has no idea that she made real someone’s worst nightmare. Exercising in public when you have body image issues is hard enough. Thanks for making it so much

The breadsticks alone put them at least in the middle of the pack.

Leaving an abusive relationship is almost never as easy as people on the outside think it is.

Jesus, dude… You sound so fucking judgmental and self-righteous.

but seriously, they’re not even allowed to say football?

Depending on your speed, it takes about 3-4 seconds to come to a complete stop. Look for a sign post on the side of the road, once it comes in view you should be able to count to 3 before you pass it.

I generally agree with you and the others, but to play devil’s advocate, I guess he is saying that the character Kylo Ren is so prototypically and self evidently emo that the the modifier “emo” is not necessary, hence redundancy. The fact that the OP softens his take by saying he “feels” like it is redundant gives him

The hate toward the prequels is completely justified. I don’t mean to parrot the same old Plinkett talking points, but Lucas attempted to follow up a fun, raw action series with a trilogy of films about political subterfuge. The maneuvering of Palpatine really isn’t that interesting, especially for what is ultimately

I was playing miniature golf with friends several years ago. A young couple and their two daughters were behind us. A few holes in we realized that the girls were named Jenna and Jameson.

Some of these moments really capture what annoys me about the writing on that show. Your security/tactical officer recommends yellow alert or raising shields and you say "why?" like he's some kind of asshole? How about: "Because there are a thousand 'people' on this ship, many of them civilians including children and