
Whole lot of assumptions to make. You must be stimulating at debates. No, I don’t buy games with anti-consumer business models because I find them revolting and because they’re generally built to handicap non paying players to fleece them into paying (or the entire reward structure is built around stupid ass

I don’t really understand all the boycott movements myself, as they tend to be a little to “Console Warrior” esque to me. I don’t buy games I don’t think I’ll get value out of. I spend my PS4 time with good games, not throw away annual CoD titles. If they had made a Switch version, dramatically changing my potential

The last paragraph is why the industry sucks so bad right now, and the reason I essentially only play Sony’s and Nintendo’s first party stuff. I’m through with picking up the same game but marginally prettier. The only PS4 to Switch ports on record were actually quite impressive visually and are fantastic games. If

Ah, an edit. Nintendo’s consoles aren’t any more “dedicated” to Nintendo’s games than anyone else’s (well, I guess it’s more dedicated to first party than Xbox because, well, they don’t have any games). The Switch is probably even less so. Third parties have a chance to jump on to a bunch of lapsed gamers here and

Black Ops 2 worked just fine on Wii U and World at War worked just fine on the original Wii. That, plus the fact that we don’t know what sort of background tech underlies Nintendo’s barely announced online, makes these baseless assumptions. There is nothing special about online play on ANY of the consoles; anything

Honestly can’t tell if this is a reply to me or not since it doesn’t seem to be replying to anything I said. There’s nothing here that couldn’t be done on last gen hardware, which has been true of the whole generation, basically. And underpowered is a meaningless term, due to my previous sentence.

That’s a good reason not to make it exclusive to Switch, but as long as it makes more than it loses, and INEVITABLY has long term monetization, a Switch port is profit and an expanded user base, literally a win-win. The longer they wait to make the investment, the less growth opportunity they have on the console.

The bad publishers part or the Switch part?

“Most high-budget games made these days couldn’t be scaled down for the Switch even if the devs wanted to.”

No Switch, no sale. Just as a matter of principle at this point, honestly, but there’s no excuse not to have the option to play portable if I’d like. Then again, I generally choose not to support bad publishers like EA and Activision/Blizzard, so it probably doesn’t matter much anyways.

This. I uninstalled Destiny 2 over a month ago and hadn’t played it since November, but when I read “The Most Hated Strike in Destiny 2,” I immediately thought of that fateful week when this was the Nightfall Strike and wished I could uninstall the game AGAIN.

So you’re both insulted by a comic AND think that last year was one of the best in gaming? While some truly amazing titles came out last year from Sony and Nintendo, the rest of the industry is a dumpster fire just waiting to collapse in on itself. Not to mention trying to sympathize with those poor Xbox One owners!

“Let’s say that we develop a very good narrative, with a complex universe and strong characters. You start the game and then you complete it in three hours. That costs $30. That’s it. Maybe that’s the way to continue with story-driven games.”

See, I see the words “I understand why publishers do it” in the context of loot boxes, but then you go off on some diatribe about games being expensive and inflation proving that you, in fact, DO NOT understand why they’re doing it.

That’s great. I also like playing worse looking versions of mediocre games on occasion, but I can’t say I take it seriously enough to buy 400 of them. The Xbox One has GAMES, but Microsoft contributes nothing to the platform and third party games are a cesspool of homogeneous, designed by committee “platforms”

Great! So once they get to the part of their master 10 year plan where they make actual GAMES worth gifting to people, they’ll be all set. Seriously, Microsoft needs to just stop doing all non game development things until they get the crap sorted out, because the way they’re doing it looks like they’ll be shuttering

Lol, I was with you until the last part. These publishers want more money but they’re not going to give the actual working man more time to do their jobs! You’ll deal with the same BS (including MTX and season passes) but your wallet will be $20 lighter.

Based on the sharp dive in the actual quality of these third party titles, you would likely be much happier if you just started ignoring them now given how much grief you have to go through to enjoy them at all. I haven’t played anything not published by Nintendo or Sony in the longest time and I don’t feel I’ve

And that $100 game with a season pass will still have loot boxes! Remember, this isn’t about making a profit, it’s about making ALL the profit for as little effort as possible!

I wish I could star this 1,000 times. Quit being reckless with your budgets, quit wasting money on open worlds in games that don’t need them, quit putting multiplayer in every game, quit making games prettier every year, quit picking only projects that take a decade to make and 1,000 developers.