
I respect the hell out of the point you’re making, but you unfortunately aren’t running a AAA publisher. If the console makers sell these consoles with the sole marketing focus of “TRUE 4K GAMING,” that’s now why people bought the console and, subsequently, what they look for in games. The games you’re referencing are

And again, not enough of literally anyone cares enough to move the needle one way or the other. Sony has games, Microsoft doesn’t. I’d rather play Horizon in checkerboard 4K over another damned Forza game that hasn’t changed in any discernable way in forever other than graphically. Arguing about negligible differences

There are a butt ton of PlayStations or there already. It doesn’t need to sell new systems every month as long as it’s selling a ton of games. The fact that it’s still competing with Switch (a new console) this far into its life cycle is amazing. It’s time to sit back and reap the rewards of that maturity. All that’s

I had never heard that answer, but if you’re really not kidding then Activision/Blizzard fans are even bigger tools these days than I thought. Overwatch is a series with exactly 1 have and a bunch of marketing. That game has absolutely no story. If Overwatch the game is non-canon, then Overwatch HAS no canon. Someone

I guarantee you it takes more work/money to make it happen. Is it a ton of money? Who knows. But considering game development is already too expensive, making it worse for a tiny user base to have slightly prettier pictures = bad

Honestly curious. This is a team based shooter where there are supposedly opposing factions that throw all of their manufactured “conflicts” out the window to work together to protect some unmarked truck for some unclear reason. The game has no single player campaign and no story, and any story attributed to the

100% agreed. Both of them should be brainstorming like crazy for an idea for the next generation of consoles. Ideally, neither one of them is thinking about HARDWARE in the slightest though. They need features, gimmicks, something novel that may REQUIRE hardware (like the Switch), but if all they’re doing is

If they jumped the VR experience, it would jump the price. Higher price = higher development costs and lower adoption (which VR as a platform is already struggling with). The mass market is currently happy strapping a phone to their face, so the sweet spot for VR out the door seems to be ~$100 + a device you were

First, my point was that I don’t think Sony should feel rushed to launch new hardware. MS launching a device would certainly shift this timeline, but we haven’t heard rumors of another Xbox. I also don’t think Microsoft launching new hardware would necessitate an immediate response from Sony because I honestly believe

While I fundamentally disagree with the concept of not being “direct competition,” as these companies both make games and the Switch occupies both spaces (and their games aren’t “handheld style” games, but full releases), the point here is that Sony shouldn’t feel pressured to release early because of the hardware

Been trying to make this point for years. Games are colossally too expensive to make already; making them more expensive for marginally prettier pictures and marginally bigger worlds is pointless at this time. You will shrink the market to the point it becomes unsustainable, or companies just won’t utilize the

I meant as a platform. No exclusive games, the limited games it boasts as “console exclusives” (lmao) are skippable at best, and the direction of the company running it seems aimless. The Xbox One X actually attempted to fix a “no games” problem with teraflops and actually increasing the cost to develop games! At the

I would’ve been perfectly happy with that. Every indication of what “innovations” are in store for us from another hardware bump suggests the consoles will be largely skippable anyway. 4k? Who cares? VR? It doesn’t even look like that’ll be around by the time PS5 comes out at this point.

I just can’t imagine Sony wanting to launch a new generation anytime soon. Hell, even 2020 seems early at this point, considering they’re taking all the names, selling gangbusters, the only reasonably successful name in VR (not a huge bragging point but still), and their only competition for best hardware is at best

... Lol. 10 days? That’s just, like, really sad. Why don’t you just go shoot some guns or something, while you still can. Maybe go shoot up a copy of the Federalist papers?

I legitimately felt bad for Horizon when I got around to playing it. Work was crazy when it came out so I waited to play it until after BotW as well. I really enjoyed the game, but I truly think it would be one of my favorites... if only I’d played it first. Truly the pinnacle of archaic open world game design though!

Definitely true. You’d hate to undercut the massive accomplishment this game had achieved to beat out the stellar slate of first party, original IP games Microsoft has released this gen like... Sunset Overdrive and Super Lucky’s Tale? Holy shit, is that really it? Maybe they should go and brag about the number of free

Definitely true. You’d hate to undercut the massive accomplishment this game had achieved to beat out the stellar slate of first party, original IP games Microsoft has released this gen like... Sunset Overdrive and Super Lucky’s Tale? Holy shit, is that really it? Maybe they should go and brag about the number of free

Lol, whatever helps you sleep man. You give gun rights advocates a bad name. Enjoy all your “refuting.” I’m done dealing with morons for this thread.

Yep. Keep telling yourself whatever you have to, you moron. Strawman after strawman demonstrates more about you than continuing this conversation ever could. And no, Democrats don’t stand for a God damned thing, so thanks for putting words in people’s mouths to win fake arguments.