
So your needs from a console are, in this order:

Anyone who makes it down to the comments: BUY THIS BATTERY. I flew to Thailand a month after the Switch came out and I was basically able to play Zelda for the entire flight with interruption due to this battery. My wife uses it to top up her phone, tablet and anything else she has a cord for and I only charge it

Anyone who makes it down to the comments: BUY THIS BATTERY. I flew to Thailand a month after the Switch came out and

Wow, there’s some false equivalency for you. Like I said, nobody is buying this game to play as Stormtrooper #45 with blaster #17. They want to use Force Powers as Darth Vader. For a lot of people that IS the point. This is the equivalent of me selling you a ring box telling you there’s a diamond ring inside, but when

Because those people are buying a product that has been made objectively worse for the purpose of manipulating them into buying these damned boxes. They originally made it take FORTY HOURS to unlock a single signature character, and are probably not marketing it that way, in hopes that ignorant gamers will buy it and

Easy. The first Battlefront sold 10 million approximately by the only estimates I’ve seen. That means for every one person like you who doesn’t care about Like or Darth Vader, there are 9,999,999 people who bought a Star Wars game to play as Star Wars characters with Star Wars powers. So imagine being literally any

Taking the phrase pay to win a little too literally. Paying for a leg up that not payers don’t have is literally pay to win.

Well then get used to this shit then and, when the whole thing comes down on your head, you better be ready for us to call you a dick again. You’re right, it’s your money and you’re free to be an idiot with it all you’d like.

You do realize that these companies have earnings calls multiple times a year right? EA is SWIMMING in money and they have a Star Wars license guaranteed to print money forever. They aren’t doing this to recoup costs. They’re doing it to make ALL the money instead of just most of it.

They could just dial back team sizes and the pursuit of graphical prowess. That would cut off the inflation of development costs and fix the whole problem! What’s that? M$ just released a console that makes the problem even worse???

Yes. Far less predatory and honest.

Don’t be a tool. You’re lining someone’s pockets, not subsidizing game development. If making games is too expensive? Quit following Sony and Microsoft driving off the cliff trying to chase photorealistic visuals and just make good games. Or just have the balls to raise the price of games like someone not trying to

Disagreed. We need to stop buying these games entirely and they’ll stop. Unfortunately, gamers are a weak willed bunch and tend to do the bare minimum rather than actually trying to advocate for themselves with their money.

Oh look, the old slippery slope straw man! No, people want to buy a game and own the content they paid for without being tricked into paying more money to get out of playing through all the crap to get to the content they want. People also don’t want to be forced to gamble with real money to be competitive with people

I can’t tell if the last sentence was supposed to be another dig at the Xbox or not. Halo 2 had garbage multiplayer and only got the hype it did because it was the first to have online. My friends and I all went running back to Halo 1 as soon as we figured out that having friends made Halo 2 pointless. Also, the only

Officially skipping Battlefront until this micro transaction thing is completely removed. Not fixed: removed entirely. There are too many games and life is WAY too short to deal with this BS so I’m putting my foot down. I’ll tolerate this crap so long as it doesn’t obviously get in the way of game design (something

Ah, so they’ve got you drinking the “Games as Service” Kool-Aid eh? An unbelievable experience once is so much better than some regurgitated “AAA” garbage that I’m being tricked into playing forever (if you’re on Xbox, the trick is no other games coming out). Hell, it’s not like PS4 doesn’t ALSO have all that crap

M$’s games? I’m pretty sure they stopped making those.

Xbox One X can call itself whatever it likes, but as long as that description is followed by “... with no games,” they’re wasting their time.

“Igenerally only care about AAA multi-plats.”

Even if you only played it for exclusives, your PS4 wouldn’t have had time to collect any dust this year...