
Uh... Yes? The PS4 directly detracts from the PS4 Pro market share. The difference is that Sony honestly probably doesn’t care which you buy. In fact, I’d bet they prefer you buy the regular one cause profit margins are better. They make the same amount off games no matter what you run them on.

Now that I’m done spitting up my Mountain Dew and Doritos, it’s important that you know that you can still be a rabid fanboy and own all the consoles, as evidenced by your post noted above. The fact that you own a gaming PC, the system with the best online platform out there with the best graphics and literally every

But see, you’re missing where the fail really starts. Microsoft in no way benefits from you playing the games on the PC unless 1) you switched PC OS specifically for gaming which is like 0.000001% of the Windows userbase or 2) you bought the game FROM MS on the Windows store which some how represents even less of the

Did you think Crackdown had a good showing though? Honestly, the trailer showed so little of what I would consider to be a proper follow up to the original that we are almost concerned they’re just releasing it cause they need to get it out the door at this point rather than then having finished it

No, an exclusive is an exclusive. No such thing as “console exclusive.” If I can play the game on a vastly superior machine that is also intensely useful for literally everything else and that thing is NOT an Xbox, then I certainly wouldn’t give it a point for that. The fact that all those games are also on PC makes

You’re overthinking it. Why advertise this thing at all? Confusing, stupid name, zero exclusive games and $200 more expensive than a console with a publisher that has been knocking it out of the park for the last 11 months with exclusive games: I can’t figure out why they’re releasing it at all, much less trying to

A vastly more powerful Xbox with ZERO exclusive games and almost no first party support at the tail end of a year in which Sony has been batting 1000. The XOX would be a big deal if MS bothered to contribute to it but, once again, they’re hoping that someone else will do it for them.

Sorry if off topic, but was there really a Heroes of the Storm advertisement between EVERY SINGLE GAME on this list on the mobile site? Before this list I didn’t even care about this game: after it I actively hate it worse than Hearthstone. I truly hope this isn’t a new direction for the site...

Actually it’s quite the opposite. Mario Kart punishes you harder the more in the lead you get so the higher cc cups are actually LESS BS.

Microsoft doesn’t have the means or desire to turn the ship around. As the runner up in a generation, you have to turn the ship around yourself with high quality first party exclusives and Microsoft has never had any of those they didn’t outright buy (minus, I guess, Forza?).

Interesting. I actually only ever played the game 1v1. I hadn’t even considered other play formats. I don’t think we played far into the game as it was formatted so poorly for 1v1 play that we quickly lost interest.

Second two paragraphs were typed almost exactly and I was ready to hit submit when I scrolled down to find this one. Blizzard has the misconception that everything they put out is the second coming within that genre/thing and they’ve got a literal army of yuppies ready to fight to the death to protect that

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree then! Different strokes and all that.

So you had a straight up broken FPS, a mediocre FPS, a garbage platformer and an uprezzed port of AC4. Then you got a bunch of indie games to hold you over until the first real release 4 months later. As a fellow PS4 owner, are you really saying that wasn’t a terrible launch? I mean, no more terrible than normal, but

Please see my follow up point to agramonte. No thanks; I’ll continue enjoying this phenomenal Zelda title on my neat new toy with the Shovel Knight expansion that I can only play there. Then I’ll grab my PS4 controller, enjoy Nioh and Horizon until my flight to Thailand at which time I’ll take my home console Zelda

Now you’re comparing apples and oranges though. Nier and Nioh were not published by the same people so the “room to breathe” argument isn’t relevant. More importantly, the Switch launched just 4 weeks ago now and the PS4 is the generation leader in it’s third full year of life. To compare apples to apples, I bought a

That is certainly one way to look at it but I’m not sure you’re focusing properly with those fanboy glasses on...

Yeah, Nioh, Horizon, Zelda and all those sweet, sweet exclusives aren’t that special compared to all those games that competing consoles have in addition to those games. Almost wish I had an Xbox where I ONLY had multiplatform games...

Splatoon is a kid’s game and Overwatch is not? There is literally nothing that distinguishes them from one another that you could even reasonably use to make that distinction. They’re both bright, colorful team-based shooters that are designed to appeal to broad audiences. The only people who would be single minded

As a full grown adult, I find your comment, and your general view of the world, pretty cringeworthy.