
The closest portrayal to a stereotypical socially conservative Christian on Fox is Ned Flanders. Fox television isn't super concerned about what social conservatives think about their programming.

What type of advice is that? Give some that can actually be followed.

Based purely on your phonetic quote, I think what you have there is a crusty Scottish doctor.

So, how do we stop him?

Aren't poems for children just nursery rhymes? Come on, Nick Cannon. Quit trying to fancy up children's lit.

There should be a 48-hour grace period after you say "I do" during which you can change your mind and be all "NOPE. I ACTUALLY DO NOT" with minimal paperwork. This would be a good thing for a situation like this.

Why does Jezebel have to have a Saved by the Bell story nearly every day? Does anyone—-ANYONE—- actually care?

Oh, "on her part," eh? Once again, Brad Pitt, inanimate object, puppet on a string is given no voice or decision making abilities by the mad cows who live to denigrate Jolie. lol. She is the puppetmaster, which is why even the dissolution of his own miserable boring first marriage (per HIM remember?), he's not even

Hate to break it to you Miss Hsssss...but when accusing two world renowned philanthropists(one of which was just appointed UN Special Envoy, Jean Herscholt Oscar and a Dame by Queen Elizabeth for her cumulative charity work - and she's not yet 40) people, who by the way, are obligated by law to account for every red

It's been a decade get over it. They have five kids younger than that.

like she gives a fuck what you think x 2.

Like she gives a fuck what you think.

I feel like maybe you need to pick better things to hate than some loving family's wedding.

I would question why you're around grown adults that dissect children.

the thousands of women creaming their underwear.

Emotionally, it will certainly be a toll on her for a bit, but it won't affect her a lick career-wise. Heck, Scarlett Johansson's career has actually even going higher after her leaks (not because of them, mind you) and once she doffed her clothes in "Under the Skin", she also rendered any novelty from the leaks moot.

They were a little busy writing an entire article about Idris Elba's bulge because double standards.

Can I just issue a pre-emptive hope that Jez can avoid all the horrible "Hasn't this woman ever heard of birth control?" and similar comments that the Gawker version was inundated with? Beyond the fact that this woman's reproductive choices are none of your fucking business, honest to god, some people have children on

Mark, your hope maybe that this woman comes around, and embraces her son, but my hope is that she gets hit by a bus. Yes, I fucking said it. Better for everyone.