
Yeah I’ve heard that rumor about Diana Ross, Mariah Carey etc. It’s a good one. Stands the test of time.

Well if you’re not sure, why call out. My theory is to make yourself (universal) feel good as in “I too would look as good if I had the money to do surgery”. sometimes the genes and the way they take care of them is the key but that’s probably not as satisfying.

Very first comment. looks good, work done. So... tedious.

Doesn’t everyone miss their original face, pre Selena. Age mama, makes everyone their bitch.

Ah. The reliable idiot vote. Enjoy.

I hate that post so much. I also don’t understand the point. None of his supporters are going to read that and go, wait, what? I didn’t know that!

Why has that XOJane article not been rerun over and over. Is she some sort of pariah or something because I read it a couple of days ago and was sure it wold be posted everywhere/ Not so much.

There you go old reliable. There’s always one.. Someone says a woman look good followed by...

Mc Steamy is in the third season of a starring lead on TNT. Taye Diggs is doing just fine. Top rated shows are hard to come by maybe only one a career. all the cast of Private Practice have worked a lot.

The proceeds of which are going to her charity. Context people.

This! This here! This is what Trump has wrought. Every fucking overrated dim witted dolt, thinks he has the stuff to lead because someone somewhere told him he was the shit. Cue up for the influx.

Why? Are you a sadist?

God I hate this asshole, why isn’t he done yet?

Nonsense. You can be a method actor and not assault your fellow actors. You can also do it and not be an asshole - hypothetically.

Yes he should have sat there crying in fear while empowering this asshole and ones like him to commit more terrorist acts.

No doubt. Except 0 fucks sounds kinda fun and freewheeling and high. Dread, that’s no fucking joke man.

No, because the fact that there were at least two such stupid fuckers on this flight that thought this photo was a good idea fills me with 100% more dread.

I too worked with him and perhaps you worked with him earlier, when he was still doing indies. The L&O years became brutal. More brutal than I want to say publicly and it wasn’t just me. It was a nightmare because there was this wildly successful franchise and getting known actors to work next to him became a huge

Also the only white male to be nominated in this eight year span and the third nomination he has put forth is in itself historic.

Wait... maybe you mispoke?