
Not closely enough clearly. I would never suggest anyone pray. Simply a surprised/shocked utterance.

He’s a huge dick unless that was a sarcastic comment. He’s known to be a huge dick, people refused roles on L&O because of him.

No, no , no.

WTF? Really, this comment has no bearing when time and place are not taken into account. This was pretty enlightened for the 80's and yes he was and should have been applauded.

But great actors which is why you know them in the first place. Look elsewhere for nice guys. The ice-cream parlor maybe.

Wow. So Dustin Hoffman is a real asshole, huh? You learn something new every day, I tell ya.

However it will show them that it’s no walk in the park, which is the whole point of this shitty law. I hope every wrongful death lawsuit is one he has to answer to. Adamantly pro-life, huh, except for the mother.

He is not a conservative judge. Fight with the truth and not lies. Ted Cruz is a conservative. Garland s a moderate and an incredibly qualified judge.

Have you paid any attention to the house and senate for the past six years. Jesus, a clue, please.

A vote for war? What were you listening to? You think the answer is to remain isolationist in everything including trade? How would that even work? It’s true the US has been known to pick a conflict and go all in but you think Clinton is of this ilk? While she is more hawkish than Sanders, it’s would be pretty

And my butt.

It’s not going to be the only seat in the next eight or four years. this nomination is going to hurt the Repubs more than anyone, since they just look as obstructionist ans they are. Also the only white male to be nominated in this eight year span and the third nomination he has put forth is in itself historic.

This is such a wildly privileged opinion.

Yeah she did herself no favors and put herself in the ‘not quite batshit crazy but you can ignore from here on out” category. Susan, Susan, Susan.

I’m black. I’m black because I live in a country that defines people by the color of their skin with absolutely no percentage gradations. My mother is white.

And whether they were as cunty about Sarah Paulson’s love interest. Really fucking disappointing.

That estimated net worth shit is crap. I looked it up on a friend of mine who borrowed $5,000.00 for a security deposit because she was being evicted and her credit was ruined. Her net worth on that site was $4m.

Well, if you consider he’s worked pretty steadily in Hollywood for better than 25+ years then if he lived reasonably and invested wisely it’s pretty easy to see him as a millionaire.

What money? When’s the last time you saw Lovitz do anything with a payday attached?

Was anyone this much of a cunt about Sarah Paulson?