Cheese of Brick

Holy shit, wait; this is real? I saw a few shots on instagram and just assumed they were memes—and too heavy handed for me to really appreciate, at that.

It’s not.

The great irony of this being that it is in fact the nicest thing Trump has ever done for a woman without expecting anything in return. Yes, even a yummy candy still in its wrapper is inedible after having been in such close proximity to President Sentient-Toxic-Spew, but.. it’s the thought that counts?

This is a great, incisive article and historical perspective that more people (sadly, I would guess, people who are unlikely to be visiting this website routinely) should read closely.

If only we had a woman in the Oval Office.

Until the criminal justice system is actually, truly equal, as mythic an idea as that may seem, the idea of a “hate crime” against white people for anything shy of multiple homicides is ridiculous; and transparently just a handy tool to continue locking up people of color.

Dirty Computer is all kinds of genius from an amazing woman whose entire career has already been just that. For me, it’s definitely the greatest album I’ve heard in at least 7 years. I am very seriously considering going to the nearest show of her tour even though I have crippling social anxiety and would likely be

Any white person reading who murmured, however quietly, “Not all white people..” instead of something like “This is correct and I should try to do something about changing that” has given up their claim to good intentions. I have been one of the saltines asking about ways to help and I am grateful for this as a

Everything memorializing the Confederacy in any way needs to be renamed/replaced with Obama. Any Obama. Michelle would have been awesome, yeah, but hey Barack still works—Sasha, Malia, Sunny and/or Bo the dogs. Doesn’t matter. It’s just too perfect.

And also, far too often, people sacrifice intent and purpose and justified anger for the sake of composure. This is an incredible example of somebody who did not do that.

This article is incredible and needs to be branded on every dumbass still fawning over this piece of shit

I was going to say, it’s not like she wasn’t upfront about the kind of ‘help’ she’d be offering...

Ohhhh, shit. That’s awesome.

Louder for the Nazis in the back!

Which, to my knowledge, is the only one of these cases that has ended up being ‘overblown’; and only overblown, not entirely false—there obviously was some kind of awkward interaction between the two, and Takei’s outright denial of having ever met him was a little disconcerting, but it’s also George frickin’ Takei who


I am in complete agreement with this assessment. I’d say that the percentage of people who are actually pretty okay with what is going on is less than 20% (and that most of them are already working for the government, ICE, other law enforcement agencies, etc. anyway), but that the percentage of people who aren’t

A serious question and not a defeatist whinge: What can I do about the horrendous shit that is happening in this country? All of the writers at The Root are doing their part, beautifully I might add; but aside from reading these articles, supporting and boosting, retweeting or whatever, what can I as an individual do

I’m curious about the full extent of this upcoming immigration proposal. Specifically wondering about the chance that the policy to separate children from parents was a deliberate move to get stricter immigration laws passed that are subjected to less intense scrutiny because, well, AT LEAST they don’t do that one

I’ve always looked at existence as being the aberration from the norm of non-being. So there’s always that bowl of Lucky Charms on the other side of the rainbow.