Cheese of Brick

Epic theatre by way of music video. So much to take in and digest. There are layers of references here that I know I’m not getting (and I love the discussion here, because it’s helping me pick up on quite a lot) but there is an intensity like some primal force that is undeniable throughout. And as already mentioned

Haha you’re right though. I thought about that before posting and figured I’d go with it anyway. I think it still works. That zero over there might be better than this zero over here but it’s still just zero. :-P

Oh absolutely. But I feel like they’ll literally have to drag Trump out kicking and screaming.

Agreed. It takes a shred of dignity and self-awareness to recognize when you’ve been had and, rather than drag the world down with you, hang it all up and walk the fuck away.

Trump being taken down by Mueller, in a rigorous investigation of election meddling and obstruction of justice, is the resolution we need. Trump being taken down by a porn star is the resolution we deserve.

Nah, I don’t want Bernie, either. If it’s a choice between him and Dump, I’d have no reservations—but I’m definitely wanting to see younger faces representing more diverse interests.

I’m sure it would still end up a net gain

Okay. I mean, it’s not okay—it’s disgusting, the thought that there is anybody whose mind takes in ‘actual human hero’ and reads it as ‘proof of threat’. But I’d rather such vile shit coming from a nebulous mass of ignorance like a hashtag group than any individual (but especially one of some fame who could/should be

That’s a good answer.

Who are you hoping to be on the ballot?

I love this, that he is hearing, accepting what he’s hearing, and trying. Might be wrong but in my eyes that already sets him a cut above nearly any other politician, but..

I’m not able to see the whole picture (and I am proudly Twitter-free); Kanye actually posted that?

The lack of nuance in the criminal “justice” system is unbelievably frustrating. A sixteen-year-old girl defends herself against a predator and we want to prosecute the murder? Why? Who does that possibly serve?

“ is still something that will most likely be in his obituary”

Powerful, necessary perspective - thank you for sharing.

Hell, sounds to me like the stewardess did everyone a favor. Save for the cockpit crew, I’ll take an entire maybe drunk/high staff on my next trip if it means I get to fly for free.