
Well, had you read the source article you would have learned that during the Obama administration it was discovered that ~300k fingerprint records of immigrants who had been either deported or convicted hadn’t been uploaded to the database, and they discovered at least 800 cases where one of those deported under one

I’m thinking he’s trying to get the German companies to move more manufacturing to the US. But the way this article (blog entry, technically) is spinning it, it’s like he doesn’t want German cars in the US at all. That’s tantamount to political suicide, which for some is expected of the current President.

I use about 1/2 cup vinegar and just a 1/2 capful (about a teaspoon) of Mrs. Meyers cleaner in the solution tank of our Hoover SpinScrub and it works amazingly well.

Have you tried Nature's Miracle? It's sold at pet stores. I don't know how it works, but it was the only thing that got rid of the stain the time our cat peed on my sister's bed. My parents swear by it.