
Instead of adding stickers, HOW ABOUT ADDING MORE AVATARS.

Or, in a complaint that makes more sense when tied to this, MORE FUCKING AVATARS. Why is there such a small amount to choose from and why can’t we buy new ones on our PS4s? Oh, they’ll add fucking STICKERS but they won’t give us more avatars? Really?

This is one of the two things that I will never agree with my fellow liberals on. Fuck criminals. I say just put a bullet in her and the guy who helped her and be done with it.

Nyope. What the criminals do is barbaric.

No, what the criminals do is horrific. This woman completely deserves her fate. And the man who did it for her also should have received the death sentence.

Nothing about that fight looked difficult. Just tedious.

One. Fuck dress codes this severe in public schools. Just, really, fuck that shit. It’s ridiculous. You can go “blah blah blah it helps prevent bullying” all you want, but the kids are going to bully anyways. They’ll find another thing to pick at. That’s how kids are. So taking away their ability to be unique and

How about you go fuck yourself with a rusty nail.

It’s partly the principle — as a reporter”

I mean, it’s something that deserves to be mentioned? The free games you get via PS+ are fantastic. Six free games(If you own all three of the systems(PS3, PS4, PSVita) like I do) plus really good discounts. For ten bucks a month. I never would have played the amazing game that is Transistor if not for PS+. Or Rogue

#16 The Sith Lord - Have your character replace any of the Sith Lords on the main menu screen.

I platinumed Bloodborne in 53 hours. So any replay time past that is artificial and not through game design. Still, 53 hours is pretty close to my rule of at least a dollar per hour of playtime.

Now playing

Since Kotaku fails at reporting, here’s the video.

The most offensive part was you opening your mouth without actually knowing anything. Akira is a big, and I mean BIG, six book series. The movie cut out a lot of it. A trilogy would actually be great for it.