
I’m saying it’s more than basic decency. And it’s not a low bar to call a teenager sitting down at that table an out of the ordinary kind act — applauding him for saying “hey, what’s up” would be.

I don’t think this necessarily offers hope for humanity, but I wouldn’t say it’s just basic decency for a guy who went to the school expecting to be fawned over by excited kids to instead sit down with a lonely, awkward boy who probably didn’t even know who he was.

Just shut up and enjoy this story, and whatever you do, don’t click on the Florida State Seminoles tag at the top of the post.

Can you splice this blog?

Zero, because he doesn’t eat the crust

Does this also count as a Cardinals loss?

This is fairly ridiculous and Silver never should have caved. The argument that the NBA is in the entertainment business is weakass. All sports are in the entertainment business. Shitty-shooting players and the teams they belong to should not be helped out by the rulebook. If you don’t want your player intentionally

I don’t think people ever seriously objected on the grounds of the rulebook being sacrosanct, just that it seemed like a rule that seemed to only be designed to help a very small number of players and make them unreasonably effective given their actual abilities. It would be like pushing back the 3 point line just


Not to mention the best right fielder that nobody knows about in George Springer.

Reasonable points ... but then only one of these teams got investigated by the Feds.

Do not Google “Bears in bathtubs” at work unless you work somewhere very progressive and/or somewhere in the midst of a bankruptcy.

I thought all warriors fans were “casual” fans. Nobody knew they still had an NBA team four years ago.

It’s only okay to make fun of someone’s oratory skills if it’s their first language, see for example, Emmitt Smith.

Trumps VP

Traditionally, the codpiece should be made of white ash, with the pine tar not to exceed 7".

Coach Tomsula: Does anyone know how to get a mouse out of a vacuum cleaner motor? Just curious.

So urgent his article, a thousand word “think piece” on a candidate who dropped out a month ago. I eagerly anticipate your thoughts on Fred Thompson.

That’s because this article is 0% substance.