
... Forgive me for chiming in again. I just want to also mention that I used to work with Lockheed Martin. Never have I once heard anything pertaining to climate change as a factor in design or long-term sustainment of aircraft as a requirement or milestone. I could be wrong on this but, I did not seen it. You can fly

... Sorry to chime in again but, I also used to work at Lockheed Martin and nobody has ever correlated aircraft design or sustainment with climate change as a requirement or milestone. That said, I strongly believe that caring for out planet needs to always be a must.

I agree. I think that if you want to follow global warming, an excellent industry to track is aeronautics. Having been involved in aviation, I can tell you that flying is all about the weather and timing. As far as I can see, the rules for aircraft specs on how they react to the environment are the same as 40 years