
Totally agree.. he gaslighted you. Deny having the sheets and let him wonder. 

Omg Hartley on Pipkin scared me too. 

Mars bars don't have nuts in them 

21 weeks, very close to the wedding. I'm pleased for them. Those two are the only royalty I vaguely like. 

Awesome. Glad he's heading somewhere safe. :) 

Jesus I'd be panic stricken if it was my kid. I hope he answers soon and keeps safe. 


Completely agree with everything you said. I do a lot of talks to people regarding homelessness and some people say things like, it will never happen to me, it’s their own fault, they need to pull themselves together, it makes me so angry, the ignorance of some people.

Thank you Jujy, i try. I think a lot of people on Jez are good people. A lot of people here have helped me a lot. 

So pleased you both survived, a cat, Ollie saved me too. He is currently snoring next to me. So many people ignore the homeless, think it’s their fault. Homelessness can happen to anyone, homeless people look just like you and me. A kind word, a conversation can help so much. I am so happy you are both ok now. People

Thank you :) 

Different subject but can everyone please remember that tomorrow is World Homeless Day. Homelessness can affect any one, thankfully I'm not homeless anymore. If you see a homeless person please try to help, maybe a coffee, food, most homeless people I know are lonely and it doesn't take 2 minutes to ask how somebody

When my 2 were at secondary school the uniform was roughly £220.00 minimum. The school they went to had the logo on the blazer, shirts/blouses, jumpers and tie that were only available at the school. The skirts and trousers you could get from high street stores. School uniform wasn't and isn't cheap. But cheaper than

Thank you :) 

Thank you, cat cuddles always help.

I saw your comment in another reply, it all sounds delicious, I'm hung up on your apple cider caramel chocolates though they sound divine. 

Thank You. Have fun with the Instant Pot, look forward to you maybe sharing your recipes on here. 

Thank you sugar. I've bookmarked that page and will read it in the next couple of days. I'm so exhausted mentally, I keep crying and then I get annoyed at myself, I'm strong I know I can get through this, I've been through so much over the past couple of years, just sometimes it's exhausting finding the strength.

Thank you MD. That means a lot. I'm not sure what they've done regarding the job is allowed but I'm out of energy to deal with it at the moment. Focusing on my mental health is my main goal. 

I’m hoping you guys get out and vote, If I was American i’d be out voting to get these crazy people out. I'm wishing for a good result.