“I’m a wife and a mom”
“I’m a wife and a mom”
who hurt you so badly? your pain is very evident.
You know they report on that stuff too, right?
I will never ever understand how a human being can do something as shitty as throwing an unwanted animal away like that, like a piece of trash. Is it that much harder to just drop it off at the shelter? Hell, even if you just leave it in a box in front of a vet’s office, at least there’s the chance that the animal…
That’s how my old roommate came across her cat. Someone tossed a bag out of a car and into the gutter, and my roommate pulled over to investigate. She found a filthy little tuxedo kitten missing half her whiskers. That cat grew up to be the pickiest, smartest, most self-assured critter I’ve ever known, and my roommate…
I DON’T GET THIS. Like, is it really too much to ask that you park your fucking car on the side of the road before tossing a helpless animal to the elements? Your day was so fucking jam-packed that braking is too damned much trouble as you merrily abandon a living thing to almost certain death?
My aunt’s cat died at 21 yesterday. We felt bad for him because he couldn’t really go up and down the stairs anymore and sometimes he seemed to get confused and cry for my aunt if he was alone too long. He mostly chilled out in his bedroom (technically a guest room) watching Animal Planet. But at the same time he…
It does, doesn’t it? The life expectancy for cats has been going up since more people keep cats indoors and we’re feeding them better food, but kidney failure still takes a lot of them (it took one of mine about a month ago).
My Mom had her 21 year old cat put to sleep earlier this year. The thing was constantly having seizures and couldn’t use her back legs very well. She was also peeing and pooping all over the house because she had basically lost control of those functions. Not to mention she was also mostly deaf and blind.
So the 119 people who liked your comment count more than the millions of people who tuned into Ellen’s show and loved it? No.
The thought that progressives somehow wouldn’t be prone to the same “tribalism trumps truth” sort of behavior was always a silly one to me.
Probably for the same reason Jezebel is in love with Biden even though he’s super creepy and inappropriate with nearly every girl/woman he comes in contact with.
I understand why progressives don’t want to believe these allegations against Louis CK (I don’t want to believe them either) but all I can think is, if this was some no-name college student who was alleged to have done this, or a well-known conservative, we wouldn’t be so quick to defend him. Louis is really…
I hate it when people use the, “don’t be a victim” phrase. It devalues the emotions someone is feeling and makes you feel guilty for feeling the way you do. You can be a victim and be strong and courageous. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
I’m an arachnophobic who once got out of a moving car because of a spider. I also love haunted houses and going to scary movies and getting a good jump scare from friends now and then. This was not Ellen finding out Paulson had a clown phobia and then using that. Because you have a phobia, I think you can see from…
I have a weird fear of corn
Ellen has become a fucking asshole
Ugh, Ellen, NO. When someone tells you they are afraid of something, it is cruel to subject them to it because YOU think it would be funny.