I see no problem with this. It’s the equivalent of Porsche starting to sell SUVs in order to finance the performance vehicles that “purists” know and love them for.
I see no problem with this. It’s the equivalent of Porsche starting to sell SUVs in order to finance the performance vehicles that “purists” know and love them for.
It’s like people forget that journalism doesn’t run on air and that those writers would probably like to eat and pay rent and shit.
1) There is no one crueler than a teenage girl.
Teenage girls are no crueler than teenage boys. It’s shit like that the author is discussing re gender essentialism. The reputation young girls have for manipulative cruelty is gender essentialist. Lots of teenagers are kind people.
That’s because most of us are straightforward people. :)
THIS...over and over. Cheap cheap dogfoods are utter garbage and are horrible for your pet. The headline is a gross over-generalization. There are many illnesses and maladies that can be traced DIRECTLY to crappy dog food. This is what my SO does for a living, and has for 15 years. I’ve seen dogs that look like…
This is a dangerously incorrect headline. It sounds like you based the entirety of this article on talking with the authors of *one* book. Please either take down the article or talk to more people. All pet foods are definitely not the same, for many more reasons than are cited here. Talk to some vets who specialize…
They can allege and show special damages. For example, a plaintiff could say “because you lied about me being trans, I got fired” or “because you lied about me being trans, I was kicked out of the military.”
This is the issue. How do we publicly shame tabloids for speculating about a person’s gender identity without also implying that being trans is something to be ashamed of? The problem is that the only way this court case could be won is if the person bringing the case is not transgender. For example, Caitlin Jenner…
I mean, it’s shitty all around. It’s shitty for assholes at tabloids to speculate or outright lie about someone’s gender identity. But it’s also shitty to try to claim that being called transgender is insulting. So, I dunno. Don’t root for anyone. Drink some whiskey and gird your loins for tomorrow, whatever fresh…
“Transgenders.” Fucking yikes.
My point is that “sticking out” for wearing something different from everyone else in the room shouldn’t mean that I get reprimanded for my style of dress.
Adenosine is actually found all over nature in general. It’s basically one of the 4 letters of DNA (technically deoxyadenosine, called by the name of the purine base adenine that’s a part of it) and plays a huge role in metabolism as ATP, adenosine triphosphate. It’s used as an antiarrythmic drug, so maybe that’s why…
It does not add jack shit to the process except long lines and tax payer burden. Most of the green card process is outdated and expensive for everyone except the lawyers and the corporate overlords. The GC process needs to be overhauled to be brought in the 21st century.
Oh Dear Lord!
I was told off by the boss (not HR) for not dressing work-appropriately when I was wearing a black and white striped dress and a hot pink sweater and heels because it wasn’t “business-casual” enough. I think the problem is that men can wear khakis and polos to work because it’s considered business-casual but there is…
Right, but we could be imagining two different things here. If Katmandu is wearing clothes that properly fit, say 1 1/2-2 inches of ease throughout the garment with no gapping at buttons and no cleavage and/or happens to be small-waisted and large-breasted, there are plenty of people who would say that’s dressing like…
Hell, if the way this woman dresses has cost the company she works for even one contract, who do you think her boss would support? This might be the reason the guy doesn’t wan’t to tell HR. “Yeah, so the Client from last week, the one that said they are considering signing with another company. He/she told me Suzy was…
the guys’ anger at being told to mind their own business.
This is bringing back memories of being told by male coworkers my blouses were too tight. Having to have uncomfortable talks with hr and the guys’ anger at being told to mind their own business.