I don’t know, SHough, do you have a version where RYAN GOSLING DOESN’T STARE AT HIS FEET WHILE HE DANCES?! Until then, shitting on La La Land is a fucking evergreen.
I don’t know, SHough, do you have a version where RYAN GOSLING DOESN’T STARE AT HIS FEET WHILE HE DANCES?! Until then, shitting on La La Land is a fucking evergreen.
Here’s my hot take prediction: at least two actors will win Oscars for playing Trump within the next 20 years. And what performances they will be! He’s truly the Henry VIII of our time (or Richard Nixon, for that matter).
In fact, many cultures, including traditional European communities, deploy masks, facepaint, and giant headed costumes in traditional ceremonies to drive away evil spirits. They don’t dress up like that to make friends with the evil spirits.
Masks, facepaint, and giant headed costumes have always made me uncomfortable. Not clowns specifically, but the way there’s clearly something human behind it but they don’t look human is just creepy and frightening.
death note was localized, no?
That’s a sorry, bullshit excuse that I’m sick to death of hearing. Netflix doesn’t need to have white leads to sell anything. Luke Cage did tremendously well and it has all minority leads. Master of None has a brown Asian lead actor. Dear White People is mostly black.
Localized but why couldn’t the actors be Asian-American? It’s not like there are zero Japanese Americans in Seattle.
Sure, but you know that’s not what most people think of first.
Or Queen Maxima of the Netherlands.
August is an actual name. But I’ve only ever heard it as a male name, with Augusta as the female version.
Hard pass.
She’s not a fraud as a trans woman, she’s a fraud as a trans ally.
Absolutely and that’s why I hate the GOP. They don’t care about actual people.
Eh, while these people should have been evacuated, asking to shelter in place is not quite as egregious as it sounds for those who are capable of doing so for a few days. Rita is really where a lot of views started changing on this: 100 deaths from the evacuation alone started making people think. That, plus the…
Watching the mayor and Gov both seemed to think it was all or nothing - either evacuate all 2 million people or NO people. You want to scream “How about assessing the situation more thoroughly and getting out the most vulnerable?!?”
Unless you work for FEMA or live here, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Save your judgement. https://m.facebook.com/JustinVConcepcion/posts/pcb.10154678539571968/?photo_id=10154678539356968&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.10154678539571968%26photo%3D10154678539356968%26profileid%3D631635969%2…
The original pic was shared in a public Facebook post from the daughter of the nursing home owner/manager. She was pleading for help. And what were half of the comments? People insisting that the picture was fake.
I’m so glad everyone is safe but this shouldn’t have happened in the first place. The young, old and sick should’ve been evacuated right away.
It would look like that to me if, say, it were on a sheet of paper. But given its placement it looks a lot like the Juden star. There isn’t a high end designer who doesn’t know that putting a yellow star there is going to look close to Holocaust imagery. This exact thing happens a lot in fashion.
I am a Jew. I would for sure think it was really weird and it would remind me of the Juden star immediately.