Maya the Vampire Bat Returns

“His children are incredibly able and devoted, and I think that says a lot about Donald.”

This made me laugh harder than I care to admit. I’m an attorney and my law partner and I discuss this often, as we get into it with her PR husband about the proper spacing. Clearly, I’m an advocate of the two spaces after the period.

I understand advertising is a big part of this but do tgey have to name the teams after products? Hell i would be fine calling them team Galaxy. At least with that i. An pretend they are named after a space term and not a product.

Open world schenanigans. Why do I need to drive everywhere? Why can’t I just start a mission? Why are there so many icons on the map? How many of these missions do I HAVE to do? Why am I constantly interrupted by nonsense? Why can’t I just fast travel everywhere? Why do these games waste so much of my time?

I’m an attorney at a big firm. We make plenty of money (north of the figure you quoted), but it still hardly feels worth it. It’s especially bad once you start pushing 75-80+ hours, because now you’re not just losing extra free time, you end up losing ALL your free time. Weeks when I do nothing but get up, go to work,

American McGee of Doom and Alice fame’s Chinese studio (Spicy Horse Games)forbid working over 40 hours, a move he made to try to showcase both that the country could have people work and succeed without killing themselves on insane hours, and to show that good games can be produced without going to crunch time. He

They’re woven in, definitely not her hair.

I realize this is completely orthogonal to the main throughline of the article, but hopefully I’ve built up enough goodwill with Jezzies to get a pass on that, so: when did ‘libertarian’ become synonymous with ‘neo-conservative’?

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

The first Thor had a great soundtrack. It’s the only one from the MCU that I have purchased and can hum it anytime you’d like ;)

You think this is a Marvel Movie problem? Hum ANY tune from a movie in the last 15 years that was a Major Blockbuster, that isn’t done by John Williams. Used to you could throw Danny Elfman in there too, but not any more.

“I’d love to, but I’m too busy having sex with women” is right up there with that stupid Peter Griffin “Who the hell cares” on the list of shutdowns that only reveal someone as a narrow-minded idiot.

I’m betting a few people downloading this are putting forth some solo effort.

Here’s one of those “millions of Americans” and a veteran to boot who suggests we should stop playing that song before sporting events unless it’s a match between national teams.

Lynch has ever right to silence Rapinoe’s protest. He is part of a private institute after all.

Aww did the protest make you feel uncomfortable? Next time black people better ask if you’re ok with it first before protesting.

The China-Cornell-Oxford Project is the largest scientific study of diet and disease ever, its findings have never been disproven despite billions of lobbying dollars from the food industry, and it predates most of these fads. (At 32 years old it is older than some of the charlatans promoting fad diets, ironically.)

I don’t know that I’d call it terrible. Average maybe. It’s good as a gateway game to more complicated things, but the problem is that every single Munchkin game I’ve seen always devolves into “this person is Lv 9, so everybody screw them as much as possible”

I don’t know that I’d call it terrible. Average maybe. It’s good as a gateway game to more complicated things, but

No Woman’s Sky has 78% of the content and costs 15% more.