Maya the Vampire Bat Returns

I think it plays into their narrative when we relate lack of sex to male misbehavior. I’m a virginal hermit of a man at 28 and I manage to be a decent and respectful human being to the women I meet, and it’s not a superpower I have, it’s something any of these bottomfeeders could do if they chose to.

Oh right. Women have to band together to collectively play mother to society. That’s our role and forget about being an individual while we’re at it.

This is absolutely terrible and horrendous, WTF are those companies thinking/doing firing her over a T-shirt she wore that basically says “Not every girl needs to make her life goal waiting for some handsome prince on a white horse” .. Short version being “Girls Do Not Need a Prince”.

seriously? You are pulling “creative freedom” as your play. How “creative is it to simply copy the visual style of someones religion or culture. That is actually pretty lazy. Why not come up with your own designs? Most of these people commenting are just ignorant but you you’re in a league of your own.

how about this.

So you were immediately able to see how it would be objectionable but then you realized that since it didn’t bother you it wasn’t a problem.

Symmetra’s ‘Devi’ skin was one of the first I saw that made me raise my eyebrows.

The inherent problem is that, no, Jesus did not judge them. HOWEVER, if they didn't eventually accept God, that they were sinners, that he died for their sins, etcetera... then hell awaited them. So it's like, hey, I'm not gonna judge you... but you still gon' burn.

My favorite relatively-undiscussed angle for these people making their stand against our corrupt government with assault rifles and lunatic views:

and she has repeatedly and consistently spoken out against settlements and introduced bills to halt their expansion beyond the ‘49 borders. no party in the knesset has completely clean hands, but she is looking forward, being productive, and pushing the american jewish (and, by extension, evangelical) lobby to take

I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.

Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t

That is LITERALLY how the conversation went. I wish everybody could understand the way you do. These people who think that asking “permission” means you’re in an abusive relationship have clearly never been in a real relationship. As a married couple, we discuss purchases as a team before making the decision. As it

It astounds me the number of people that think that this guy was serious about how this went down.... Are you all that dense? Here is how that conversation likely went down:

It sounds like you’re one of the good ones in the Wedding Industrial Complex, but I’m pretty sure that I read that Halliburton is the largest supplier of wedding flowers and most cake toppers are constructed by Lockheed-Martin.

It’s pretty fucking disappointing to see an article about how boring it is reading about feminist weddings on a feminist website. Especially when the bride IS such a kickass, vocal, smart feminist.

I love how they think they are being progressive and open minded by pretty much belittling a grown woman’s intelligence.

well it was a fun controversy while it lasted folks