
I agree with you re: Allen but she already has an Oscar.

Listen to the “How Did This Get Made” episode for The Room. They talk to Greg Sesteros who starred in The Room, and someone on the crew. As Jason would say, this is Grade A Bonkers.

Don’t notice any of them calling for Trump to resign.

Megan’s also in The Disaster Artist, Franco’s new film, which makes me want to see it even more.

I don’t care if LuAnn is addicted to reading, love, whatever, as long as she’s over her addiction to having a singing career.

The fact that she thinks the finest storytellers are creating content for OWN makes me question her judgment.

He was interviewed on Fresh Air on NPR recently. He is absolutely delightful.  Have you seen Mindhunter yet? He’s fantastic in it.

Exactly. That’s where establishing a good relationship with govt employees that you deal with continually is so important.

2012 is on basic cable!!!

I work in a family owned real estate business, and altho the managing partner has been very generous to the employees, it’s amazing how his family (and he) HATE to pay any taxes at all. They act like every tax they pay is some kind of huge scam. Like roads, fire departments, schools etc. We do see the downside to

Oh for fucks sake. Let’s honor women by putting a bunch of fame starved nuts in a house and let the cat fights begin.

Did you hear the latest? Vulture reporting that Sam Bee’s staff showed up to a taping and Megyn’s staff was shitty to them because they thought they were there to make fun of them. When they just went to see the show (and probably make fun of them later).

Joe was talking about when they were in the hospital with him and he was telling Mika not to marry Joe.

Mika is not independent at all. This “Know Your Value” schtick she’s got going is complete horse shit.

The owl looks bored as hell.

All I can say is if they give Lauer’s job to Kelly, it will not end pretty. Megyn is ALLLL about Megyn, and she will not do well sharing the screen with Savannah.

Somebody explain to me why this woman should be giving advice on how to act professionally in the workplace.

Mika’s solution for stopping sexual harassment and assault in the workplace is for coworkers to not go out for drinks after work, nor should they date.

I’ve had a crush on Chris/Capt America since First Avenger, he is cool, funny and he rescued his dog while he was in GA filming a movie.