
Heres a link to the wiki page but the above video and excerpts from it pretty much explain it just as well. Its kind of a subculture that rose from the internet that includes those who feel that they have been born as the wrong species entirely, this includes not only animals but mythical beings as well. There is art,

Aw, jeez, come on. I identify with sloths, but I’m not Rachel Dolezaling myself into a sloth, the way this chick is into a cat.

Hate for non-binary folks in our community is completely unacceptable. I just can’t wrap my head around it.

it’s not even really hate, sometimes. just good ol’ erasure. i get it; not everyone can fight every fight. but i’ve had a lot of binary trans people in my life flat out refuse to acknowledge my pronouns or assume that i should be happy to pass as cis.

It’s not your fault. The binary is built into our societal system and it’s hard for people to wrap their heads around that it may not be the truth.

Not to mention that being in the club isn’t the most fun thing ever. I’m Non-Binary and completely glossed over. It’s not fun to be invalidated and have other people think that they know you better than you know yourself.

I understand authorities’ obsession with wanting to have a super clear line in the sand they can base their red tape on, but requiring reassignment surgery is just ridiculously unrealistic.

This is such a slippery slope...sure, now it’s just transgender students who want to be treated like actual human beings, but pretty soon we’re going to have to treat everyone like they are real people deserving of respect, and then where will we be as a nation?

To my (somewhat) surprise, the rights of transgender students has become an enormous part of my job (I do policy work for a civil rights non profit in an uber conservative midwestern state). I saw this decision from OCR this morning and literally cheered aloud. This statement is, as Joe Biden would say, a big fucking

wanna go ahead and explain to me what “fully transitioned,” means? Mark?

Thank you for that. I was scanning the comments and thinking that I didn’t really see much comment from any actual transgender folks. This commentary was really starting to strike me as some weird modern feminist version of mansplaining.

IMO, the “look like, sound like” argument is a lot of blowing smoke. It really sounds to me like she’s stuck on the notion that transgender women experienced male privilege at some point in their past, and therefore they can’t relate to cis women. Which is stupid, because rich women/white women/heterosexual women have

Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays.