
I could probably guess why it is though, it sounds like they had a lot of fun making it.

I can't think of a way to say this without sounding like a dick but it just feels like that's existentialism 101, and my world just wasn't rocked by it. In fact, I might even be a little more interested to see where the show goes if it DID lead Morty down a self-destructive hole.

You're right, it doesn't feel SO far removed. I guess a more accurate way to put it would be that it felt, to me, like somebody took the best parts of the show's voice and dialed them up way too high, a lot like in Season 4 of Community when it felt like producers were pinpointing "oh this is what people like" and

I'm very much in the minority here because to me this is the show's first (and hopefully only) bad episode. I'm certainly open to experimentation and deviation from the episodic high-concept adventure format, but this one just didn't work for me much at all. For one, that "no one belongs anywhere" didn't feel nearly

I could see someone not appreciating WTF, yknow, if they don't appreciate listening to a crotchety old comedian trying desperately to make himself relevant to the alt comedy hipster crowd he claims to despise and/or sucking the toes of musicians because he always wishes he could have been one. I mean, if FOR WHATEVER

Fair enough, but if that's how you define "ironic racism" then I disagree strongly that CBB is committing it here. On a slightly tangential note, I also take a little bit of umbrage with the notion that one is made more or less racist by the diversity of their group of friends. lol

I agree entirely. When I saw the podcast recommended on some list of "Podcasts You Should Be Listening To" and read the description, I was so excited. I probably would have preferred it a little more "straight", but I love comedy and didn't mind the concept of it being a comedy, and I still don't mind the concept,

The last episode I listened to was the one about the Faceless Old Woman. That was more or less my breaking point. I think I find Cecil's delivery particularly grating, as if he's just pleased as punched with the writing and how clever or cute it is.

I have to disagree that ironic racism is still racism. That's like saying that "A Modest Proposal" is still a serious suggestion to eat babies.

I'm often disturbed by portrayals of Asian or Asian American characters in popular media, but the fact that you could hear the improvisers snickering at just how offensive what they were doing was and then someone else would come and elevate it made it okay to me in a weird way. You could tell the joke was "look how

I'm not arguing with your decision at all, but how do you handle the other racist/sexist/potentially-offensive elements of the show? One of the kind of defining quirks of Scott's "host" character is how cheery he is but how quick he'll say or agree to something heinously offensive, or reveal some sort of pedophilic

Rauch was such a stunning and surprising improviser I have to imagine she must be trained in it. She played it really cool and brought out the best in everyone else, especially with Scott and his fascination with her character's enormous tits. Too funny.

It also probly doesn't help if you don't give much of a fuck about Batman, haha

I'm wondering if anyone else on here listens to my favorite podcast, which you guys have written about on AV Club once, "Tell Em Steve Dave". It's the only podcast I've ever heard that actually truly feels like an intimate portrait of three friends and not people putting on a show. That leads to a lot of

I still am blown away by the Wompler episode they did this year at the pool party. If it wasn't absurd to use this moniker, I would unreservedly call it a masterpiece of podcasting.

Holy shit how tense was that This American Life interview when they called him out?

I love The Champs when they actually deign to post an episode, lol. But it has lost some of its flare since Dougpound left, he really seemed like the sugar to balance out the salt of Moshe and Neal.

I really dig Dead Author's Podcast, but I don't know about that Fat Man on Batman, and that's coming from a Smodco devotee (more or less)

Night Vale is a tedious and unlistenable podcast with a sense of humor even your grandfather would find eyeroll-inducing. Tired format or not, the comedian-on-comedy interview pods (which I also grow weary of, but of which I don't consider Bang Bang a member) at least outclass Night Vale in terms of not making me want

I'm pretty sure that I haven't missed a single episode since Comedy Bang Bang started calling itself Comedy Bang Bang, and I've been mulling it over, and I really truly think that the Womptacular Pool Party may have very well been their best episode ever. Better than Farts and Procreation, better than Time Bobby, I