
My guess is that the 4 runner goes slightly downmarket, and the new LC becomes the top of the market, with that top moving further up market. Same underpinnings, but it stops the disgusting poors from thinking they drive the same vehicle as the better humans.

I would assume that, but for how many times they mentioned the O2 levels at 34k, a “possibly due to decompression” would have been a wise addition to the story.

34k feet shouldn’t require an oxygen mask in a Citation. These are Business jets with a service ceiling north of 40k feet.

In no way would I say Police are perfect today, but yeah, to assume nobody evolves ever, or that Stonewall had nothing to do with the general societal intolerance of non-straight people and that intolerance is isolated to the police departments of the day is just dumb.

Same thing happened to a locally, except the lady missed centerline, decapitated the tow truck driver, landed on all 4 wheels and eventually binned it further down the road.

At the risk of being labeled a Tesla Stan, this move doesn’t seem like a desperation move at all, except possibly on Ford’s part.

They did that, 10 years ago, Ford is the first to take them up on it. 

The question is, which dealer will be the first to mark up that TRD Pro to something over $100k?

I spend $80-90/week on gas, but that’s driving a Tacoma 300ish miles/week, not really an apples to apples comparison. Even with solar that provides all the electricity I need for an EV it’s not a cost effective proposition to replace the Taco with an EV. Throw a PHEV into the equation and it makes even less sense to

Blaming it entirely on the lack of tax incentives misses a lot of key points. Have you actually looked at Hyundai and Kia’s EVs? They’re very, uh, different? That doesn’t help when trying to sell high volumes. Then you have the dealer network, universally known for being absolute shit, those dealers, outside of being

The literal definition of profit and income minus expenses. It’s not something one “declares” it’s a mathematical formula. In your bush planting scenario, the gardener should absolutely be deducting gas, truck payments, insurance, etc, because those are their costs. This is exactly why contractors are driving around

Oh for sure, that’s why I’d say it “erodes” it rather than eliminates. One can never know if the price will be better or worse, so you just have to buy whenever the price makes sense to you as a consumer, but it makes it hard to know when one should pull the trigger. Still way better than the dealership model where

All these price changes definitely make it frustrating for people who just want to know what a car costs.

Wasn’t clear from this or the LA Times article if that was included in the $2m cost, just that it was a $2m leasing agreement. I would hope they’re not leasing the chargers to be turned in in 5 years, that doesn’t make a ton of sense.

With very few exceptions, you’re correct. Ferraris are cars the vast majority of people buy to be seen driving, not to actually drive. People don’t buy Rolexs to tell time, and nobody posting pictures on IG of a private jet actually has a reason to fly private.

I’d love to hear the reasoning behind leasing a $40k car for a total cost of $102k, that seems fiscally questionable. Unless there’s some fringe in there like a fleet of rapid chargers to go with them.

Now if Ford would just unfuck their dealers. They’re in a really tough spot with the Mach-e, putting aside Musk hate, the Y does almost everything it does just a bit better, and it gets the full tax credit making it a better value, and you can just buy the Tesla online, for the exact price they say it is. Good luck

Define “very good”.

As a Californian who has already spent an inordinate amount on whole home back-up batteries because they seem to have no motivation to fix our grid, fuck that, fuck them, fuck you if you think this legislation is a good idea.

Do they not have Airtags in NYC? Why would a cop take a bright yellow launcher and shoot a coke can sized tracker (that I’m sure leaves a paper trail) at a car when they could just stick an Airtag in the gas door?