I honestly just lost all interest in this race, the LMP1 class has only 2 teams and I was rooting so hard for Toyota after last year’s terrible heart break... Things could change yet, but at the moment, the interest is gone.
I honestly just lost all interest in this race, the LMP1 class has only 2 teams and I was rooting so hard for Toyota after last year’s terrible heart break... Things could change yet, but at the moment, the interest is gone.
Does anyone else remember when a Ferrari took out the Toyota TS030 a few years ago... Or is it just me?
You put words in my mouth that I did not say and inferring more than I implied, Christ calls us to forgive and I do so because I love him and he asks it that’s not blasphemy. If you wanted to win a discussion and thats it, please take the win. You hate me for my beliefs, that’s fine, I never said you do not exist, I…
I have no hate for any person, I expressed that earlier, I also expressed my beliefs on the subject as did Phil, I didn’t attack anyone personally nor did Phil yet I and Phil have been relentlessly hated on since I made my first post questioning why it’s OK to hate him and speak such horrible things for expressing my…
Did I say something hypocritical? I have a set of beliefs as do you. Have I said something that goes against my beliefs to merrit being attacked for expressing them?
Can you give me evidence of the homosexual gene? What animals specifically seek out a mate they cannot mate with and refuse a viable reproductive partner? Have you ever heard of Rosaria Butterfield, she is a wonderful lady who is likely your senior and a hard proponent of the LBGT lifestyle likely long before most.
That’s where the problems start, when we say that homosexuality is not a choice. We are the only species on this planet that has that choice And the only one that uses that choice. Just looking at natural selection completely eliminates the possibility of the people involved in passing on any genetic traits that would…
She defined respectful disagreement, You Defined Bigot by attacking her, see here:
Yes, what she said was very respectful. She does not agree with their choices but still loves and respects them as people. She does not hate them, make fun of them, degrade them. She does care for them, show kindness to them and regards them as friends.
That is not tolerance, Phil did not spout hate speach to my knowledge he spouted his beliefs that he does not agree with others choices
So, define BIGOT.