Topher Doll

I don’t know. This seems so bitchy. If you pissed them off, great. Part of reporting is pissing people off and losing access. It’s part of the game. It’s unseemly to bitch about it like a little bitchy bitch.

Aaaand... you are trying to shame them into stop ignoring you? Your work became harder, yes, but isn’t the point of journalism in digging shit and bringing it to the surface? Also setting up the guy from new york times is a dick move imo.

I’m trying to figure out the tone of the article? Are you mad/angry at them for shutting you out? If so, I don’t see why. Any company (anybody) can choose whom they interact with. Just like you guys can choose to ignore any developer/publisher/story you do not wish to cover.

Not really, Fox pisses a lot of people off, doesn’t make them right.

“They’ve cut off our access to their games...” Not entirely true. Nobody is blocking Kotaku editors from buying these games at a store as a business expense.