Maxwellhouse Columbia

Or PS5 remote play.

You hit it on the nose there Bob. It defiantly felt like they were marketing it that way. The way Mark Cerny was touting how the SSD could transfer about 5GB/s raw data and almost 10GB/s compressed. It makes me wonder if Sony will sometime in the future, let us compress all the data on our systems via a firmware

When Fortnite starts to look like a Furry club from Second Life. #beentheredonethat

I found a couple of new shaders for my Telesto when I loged in today.

I see the writing on the wall that others may have over looked.

I’ve spent the past month leisurly strolling though Oros in Far Cry Primal. Perfecting my hunting skills with my bow and arrow so that I will be good and ready for when Horizon Zero Dawn comes out. Hunting those Giant Mech Dinosaurs will be a blast!