Honestly, I kind of wish Nintendo TVii took off. Its a cool service, but unfortunately its so ungodly slow that the show I want information about could end before the info loads
Not to overuse the trope, but maybe women actually are more difficult animate... /forced sarcasm
Really reminding me of Dr. Chakwas from Mass Effect. Looks great though
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I picked it up a little after the standalone went up on Steam and have been kind of anxious about reinstalling it after playing it for the first few buggy weeks
We do not speak of those. They are to be forgotten.
I think its more her marketing her music to gamers than it is EA marketing games through her. She's done similar vids for Halo and Assassin's Creed games
Oldboy ($10) | Amazon
She's in the Normandy
Not America! Lets go off to Australia or somewhere where the animals are tame and totally won't eat your babies
As cool as that is, I think its more amazing that he actually got the game to recognize his commands. That game put a bad taste in my mouth for Voice Recognition that still remains today
I seem to recall in one of the later movies the group goes to Hell to fight Debura or something like that and Vegeta (maybe Vegeto) fights a tag-teaming Cell and Frieza and they essentially take out Frieza in one punch
Not to mention Link's shield had a cross in the original LoZ
Is it just me or is Link sound a lot more feminine whenever he attacks something in this vid?
I think he was asking which version she played Ruby OR Sapphire
We do have Grass Simulator if you want to stretch your tolerance for puns a bit
I actually kind of like this design. Seems kind of like a "fuck you" version of Crash Bandicoot after getting into a fight with Ratchet and Nathan Drake. That being said, it only would have made sense if they threw out everything that makes a Sonic game a Sonic game/ everything that makes it an unplayable mess.