
The quickest I've found for making gifs is using VLC (or really any game streaming program) to record clips that you want to gif and uploading them to one of many online media converters. Most allow for pretty high quality and quick conversions. Otherwise, if you want to edit it, throw it into AfterEffects if you have

I wish I had a job right now.. that PS4 bundle looks perfect seeing as how it actually has the only two games I want right now for the console. But I'll definitely be getting GTA4 for the PC ASAP anyway.

You know.. I think I like this jackass more than Handsome Jack.

Last time I loaded the game up (like six months give or take) there was an option to start a new map that would give you a more fantastic landscape

If I were to sum up OneChanbara Z2: Chaos in four words, they would be “blood,” “swords,” “zombies,” and “fanservice.”

My point exactly. I'll take it one step further. Google Fugtrup

Holy crap, their lips actually looked like they made contact.

I borrowed a gamepad from my brother once.. The next day, I stole all his pads, his fightstick, his keyboard, and mouse and cleaned them till they sparkled.

Yeah, I'm watching DoctorPentaKill on Twitch streaming it and, while it definitely has its ups, it seem to me that they took all of the changes for the better that they made in both III/ Black Flag and reverted back to Revelations/ Brotherhood. As for everything else besides the basic gameplay, the game is still buggy

Lets see.. The closest I've gotten to 100% a game in recent memory was Saints Row 4 and Tomb Raider. Both I did up into the mid 90's before I moved on to other things. I'm pretty sure I got to the 90'ss, but not very far in on Mass Effect 1, Remember Me, Assassin's Creed 2, idk

Welp, I'll be the one to say it. As soon as someone makes the models for it, Source pornmakers will be going crazy with this game...

Fine, I'll do it. But only because I saw her in In A World and absolutely loved her despite her only having a handful of lines throughout the movie

Didn't Bungie do something sort of on this caliber for a fan with cancer(? I think) around the time Halo 3 was released?

Well, they had Dew flavored Doritos, so why not the other way around? Sounds terrible either way

Its on CrunchyRoll and, as of tomorrow, will have 6 episodes until it wraps up its first season. Right now, its heads or tails whether or not it'll set up the demand for a sequel series.

Its on CrunchyRoll and will be ending its first season tomorrow. Right now, its heads or tails whether or not it'll set up the demand for a sequel series.

The only opinion that I think matters is one notably missing: Lena's sister, Grace Dunham. So, read here, here, and here. Both of them have acknowledged the incidents and neither seem to consider it a big deal. They both understand that what happened had adverse effects, but consider it just part of growing up.

Definitely check out Argevollen if this sounds good. Its kind of like a mix between this, Gundam, and Evangelion.

re: the vid at the end. I kind of like how you threw the steel plate windshield.. shield and the bad guy into oncoming traffic. Seems like you would have been able to get the same "awesome gameplay" reaction if you simply threw them behind the truck you were mounting or, better yet, in front of. Idk, it just seems

So with the Season Pass, we get the French Revolution, World War 2, and ..China. In the China campaign, you get to play as a woman at least.