
I initially spent ~250 on the console. I traded in my old Halo Reach Xbox 360 (which I hadn't turned on in over a year) and a bunch of games. Gamestop was doing a promo where you could get $50 off of a new console if you trade one in. With trade ins included, I actually spent only ~$60 for the Legend of Zelda Special

SoCal Hal will let you be a bro with the best of 'em. He's got the backwards hat. That's a pretty clutch start. Then you got the sandals and sick black socks. Pretty good! Pretty good, dude. But it's that collar, yo, that popped collar is way baller! Then you got the accessories to match the green power ring—the

I had one with that taunt last night. I forget his whole name, but his tag was "the Cannibal"

That Uruk is made of tumors. Makes me wonder if the Black Gate is sitting on a Uranium deposit or something. Maybe thats where Minas Morgul gets its green glow from?

I was really excited about this for a second and then I remembered I already owned it...

I came here to mention Hello Kitty. (Never thought that'd be a sentence I'd say) I'm just going to leave this here..

So, from barely skimming this article, they wanted to make a game that was basically Sword Art Online without the insane VR bits and killing its players

Like played in ranked games or ranked in rank ranks?

Woah. That's a big list.. Definitely going to be adding a few of these to My Anime List. Wicked excited for more PsychoPass. I loved how the first one ended.

So that's.. ~100000(units sold)/1357000000(population of China) = 0.00007369196 = 0.0074% or rounded up to 0.01% of units per person if you're being generous.

Seriously though, how did he manage to perfectly mask out Sephiroth between the background and foreground on all 70 frames. Its infuriating. I keep trying, but can't get it right

I still like mine more.. :(

AFAIK, Gollum doesn't really have much lore to him between the Hobbit and LOTR. He peruses around Mordor for a bit before being captured, then set free. After that, he starts off looking for Bilbo, but gives up near Moria. There's 60 years for those events to take place.

Personally, I think they're just weary of putting too much of a load on their download servers with all the games coming out this season. Not to mention most people acquire/ download their games directly from Nintendo's servers via the e-store.

I cannot wait until I get my replacement motherboard so I can actually use my 9590 processor and R9 graphics cards. I got them a while back while doing a long overdue update for my PC, but the motherboard I got them with shorted out. Fun times. Been using my old second hand 5750 graphics card and AMD Phenom 925 proc

So I really want to play the newer MK games, but I can't stand the X-ray thing that they seem to enjoy using so much. Is there any way to turn that off?

Might grab the Dual Shock 4 for using on my PC. I use the DS3 now when playing games, but the 4 just looks... better. Personally, I'd rather get the SteelSeries Stratus, but since they for whatever reason made that only compatible with iOS, I guess I'm SOL there.

Are you people fucking serious? The game was clearly amazing and clearly a full experience before the DLC was detailed. Now that they show more content you think the game is suddenly lacking? The Sauron mission is exactly what DLC is for. You don't play as the main character and it lets you do somethin cool that

we don't speak of that.