Well, scout trooper's primary jobs are to drive the speeder bikes and not die. To be able to accomplish both, it helps not to be able to be distracted.
Well, scout trooper's primary jobs are to drive the speeder bikes and not die. To be able to accomplish both, it helps not to be able to be distracted.
Phantom Crash is one of my all time favorites. Hawken has a pretty similar combat style, but its just not the same. Also, JSRF is amazing and I desperately wish someone would remake it with updated graphics, etc. The version of the game they have on Steam feels almost too dated.
I had completely forgotten about that game until I read that. So many good memories. Unfortunately, both it and its sequel were released at similar times to games from the Ratchet and Clank Series, Sly Cooper series and the Jak and Daxter series.
Now we just need them to put their anime cries (saying their name) in the next Pokemon game and give players an option to use either their old school metallic cries or their voiced ones or mix them up
Smite, Infinite Crisis, Heroes of the Storm, and oddly enough HoN have pretty decent followings from my understanding. Also, Awesomenauts. Awesomenauts is awesome.
If it wasn't for the UI features, I'd think this was SC1. I wonder how the process was changing the 3d units back into sprites
Along with many other people, I got the game at its midnight release.. and then stopped playing after four months. The game was great, but it was pretty meh at the same time. Anyway, I picked it up again for a few weeks earlier this year and absolutely loved it. Had to stop playing because I was trying to finish up…
The obvious highlight today is a HUGE Amazon Appstore deal on 27 different premium apps and games, all for free. Highlights include Swype keyboard, OfficeSuite Professional 7, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II, Threes!, and GeniusScan+.
That is really cool! I love the details on the hat and jacket and your photographer did a great job in bringing out the outfit's color! Also, the curtain design on the face was a brilliant idea and I can definitely see where it can come in handy.
Looking in the game's files, there is a rather prominently empty folder titled "dlc" that I noticed. I doubt it will take long for them to start adding characters. My only disappointment with the launch is the lack of mod support or level editor.
Yeah, I'd be a bit weary of melting eyeballs. I wonder if you could get it to work with one of those really expensive chair vibrator thingies. That and a good pair of headphones
Just imagine Rez on a VR headset
I find that sentiment from them funny because the last thing I heard about Blizzard before this was that they'd be making more WoW expansions and they'd be putting them out faster. So, no to doing another MMO because they can't seem to give up on their current one.
Okay, the costume is awesome and everything and I really want to see how she did the face bit, but holy shit those materials look like they'd be an oven inside