
American manufacturers used to have almost all the share of the north american auto market. As your father was creating crap cars, the japanese came in and destroyed a manufacturing powerhouse with ease due to the outrageous demands unions extorted from successful corporations.

NP I’m a sucker for a good Saab story.

Ahhhh.... I see you have GM upmarket car (Buick, Cadillac, etc) there young lad. Those v9 engines are so powerful!

These fucking shit fucking fuckers

M badges on non-M BMWs.

And he’s still more respected by the military than the lawyer with no military experience he replaced.

It’s sad, DWS, Keith Ellison and other dems wouldn’t even stand or clap for her.

Dang, I miss the days when BMWs didn’t look like a partially melted bar of soap.

Obviously, I knew this. It’s a very basic thing that most car people know. But what was most interesting-and what clearly nobody bothered to read-was the answer to why they exist. That’s something I didn’t know (though I did have a suspicion there was an ECE reg out there driving it), so I spoke with two chief

This because there is no reason to believe gas will go up dramatically anytime soon. Proven oil reserves hit about a trillion barrels in 90 and stayed flat until 02 where they jumped up about 200 billion and basically held until 10 when proven reserves start shooting up and its now over 1.7 trillion. This is before


So you don’t see the shame of the guy who paid $30k for a “sentra” in 2000.

My personal favorite with tailgaters is pressing the brake just slightly. Just so the brake lights come on but not really slowing you down. After a few seconds of brake lights, long enough for them to relax into it and still tailgate, a quick tap so they see your rear end lift. Not a full stop, just a firm but short

I think he is a more brilliant marketeer than physicist is what I am trying to say. Many people buy into the marketing.

Okay, and I know there’s differences in terms of creature comforts and whatnot, but a $63k Camaro would beat the ever-loving shit out of a $63k 5-series in any performance metric you care to name. I’m not even a huge muscle car/American car guy but this ZL1 is amazing.

Stop comparing anything not all-wheel drive to the Tesla. It’s meaningless.

The “chronograph” gauge cluster goes a long way in convincing me to forgive the tail lights.

It would probably take $10-15k worth of work to get it worth $20k. This is a beater, plain and simple. However, it is a conniseur’s beater.

Quite a long time. The real question is, how long can you look at the RS2 wagon rear end, before going to look how much would one cost in mint condition?

Not even one chupacobra joke? For shame.