
So the entire planet is getting tipsy. This explains a lot.

I don’t know if I would say WoW as a movie was a bad idea (SOMEONE has to make the next Lord of the Rings fantasy movies), but woof.....this seems like a bad movie. I say that as someone open to it; hell, I thought the Hobbit movies were even pretty good!

They’ll probably downplay it in marketing, because if they end up driving the perception that it’s a medical device, the regulations they’ll have to meet will crush their product.

BioSHock soundtrack...

Can we really blame them for moving all fast and jerky? All their medicine contained stuff like cocaine, morphine, chloroform, and other good stuff.

Oh I have and he is great in it but so brief too. I want to see him destroy again in live action. I want what he does to people in the book Lords of the Sith.

“Then you will die braver than most.”

I really hope this movie has a sequence where the team is trying to escape Vader who is basically slaughtering them just so we can see him be terrifying again.

Replace him with Benedict Cumberbatch, amirite?

Two things:

But they did that already, or have you forgotten about Steel and Batman & Robin?

I’m delighted someone feels this way.

Now this...this is the article I was looking for on this stressful Tuesday afternoon. Torch discussing Star Wars arcana - it’s like a warm bubble bath. Aaahhh...

I am just digging a user named Dr Dick Lasers trading smack with Howard the Duck.

I think Daredevil’s intentionally like that, because he’s blind.

And you don’t even mention “The Making of BB-8"?! That was the most fantastic special feature I’ve seen in ages.


It was moving too fast to get (and transmit) any useful photos. It entered the atmosphere at 47km/s and saw temperatures high enough to burn away a quarter of the probe’s mass from the heat shield. It decelerated at 230G’s. It only transmitted for 57 minutes, which at its 128 baud would be enough for about one tiny

Galileo dropped a parachuted probe into Jupiter, but they were too lazy to put a camera in it.

Man, kids today gotta be wimps then. I remember seeing this when I was 3: