
I love bees and as a principal hate when people kill them. That being said it should be noted a lot of exterminators, after vacuuming up the bee’s will freeze the corpses and sell them to company’s that remove the stingers and venom, and will use that to create anti-venom for people who are allergic to bee stings.

When everything is permitted, nothing is sacred. And when such speech is inciting action to harm people(an action which is illegal) then that just ridiculous. Because if someone says “it’s terrible to commit a hate crime, but it’s okay to encourage others to do it”... well that’s just the hight of stupidity.

My grandfather was a officer in the German army, and when it came time for him to join the SS he absolutely refused, which got him sent to the front lines in operation barbarosa. As soon as he arived at the front he ordered his men to join him and runaway or get tied up, gagged and thrown in an empty shed until

I don’t think so. After all they made a mini figure of a dismembered burned guy that was undergoing brutal unanesthetized surgery... sooooo, yeah

I could be really wrong and somebody may call me an idiot. But this jurassic park concept art does have a very Ralph McQuarrie vibe going on. Like I said someone may know the artist and it’s not him, but just in case.

It does have lights... look at the cutaway there flipdown lights under the front hood it’s even labeled in the book. No biggie though, I didn’t notice until recently.

I guess this woman would find that the Sistine chapel has a lot of porn in it. Seriously though while I respect other people’s moral conscience, I have to say this goes to far... way to far. I honestly can’t put my thoughts into words without rambling on. However suffice to say while a think it’s appropriate for

Agreed some of it looks a little raw but considering it’s so early in development it’s got me excited. I got a case of the girlie giggles when the X-wing flew overhead.

Well there not all ruins, I just went to the technic museum in Speyer Germany. And had the privilege to see the Russian space shuttle atmosphere test ship pretty much there enterprise? Check the Jets out.