
I was born for this shit. I can write a review of a movie I haven't even seen and it would be awesome. That particular one literally got me laid. You will be receiving an email.

Probably engraving hieroglyphics to his BFF while driving. His last message? LOL

Low pressure for more grip yo! Though chariots are front legs drive. Interesting set up.

I bet some giza fell asleep at the wheel

Teenage drivers are the worst. My money says that he died shortly after uttering the words "hey guys, watch this!"

Chances are that VTEC kicked in.

State Police Of Egypt Calls Jalopnik To Identify This Vehicle In Hit And Run Incident

As a long time former LucasArts employee, I sincerely thank you for writing this article. In my memory, it's the first of it's kind that correctly and clearly points the finger of blame precisely where it belongs; at the upper management.

"over a million dollars in an hour"


I read through this thread when you tweeted it last night, and after much confusion...
I've realized I must devote my life to trying to understand the community. Their language, their customs...

I'd guess that the median Deadspin commenter is a 34-year-old white male with middle-to-high income but also above-average alcohol consumption. So we're taking about a remaining live expectancy of 47 years, give or take. My best guess is that you'll die in 2060, perhaps just a few days before Sasha Obama wins her

The NWS/Hurricane Weather Research Model is pretty fucking sexy.

Attacking someone based on their gender identity or race is never a valid point or a harmless joke.

I'd be screwed then.

Well YES!