As a long time former LucasArts employee, I sincerely thank you for writing this article. In my memory, it's the first of it's kind that correctly and clearly points the finger of blame precisely where it belongs; at the upper management.
As a long time former LucasArts employee, I sincerely thank you for writing this article. In my memory, it's the first of it's kind that correctly and clearly points the finger of blame precisely where it belongs; at the upper management.
"over a million dollars in an hour"
I read through this thread when you tweeted it last night, and after much confusion...
I've realized I must devote my life to trying to understand the community. Their language, their customs...
I'd guess that the median Deadspin commenter is a 34-year-old white male with middle-to-high income but also above-average alcohol consumption. So we're taking about a remaining live expectancy of 47 years, give or take. My best guess is that you'll die in 2060, perhaps just a few days before Sasha Obama wins her…
The NWS/Hurricane Weather Research Model is pretty fucking sexy.
Attacking someone based on their gender identity or race is never a valid point or a harmless joke.
As a counterpoint, I present you this guy:
I'd be screwed then.
Well YES!