Max Shreck

What did I do to deserve this flat, flavorless Applebee's?

Also they always focus on Leatherface but never touch on the other members of the family from the 1974 original, unless they show up in this who knows.


You are not alone, I was surprised to see it was taken that way.

I agree the movie was very fun. I also disagree with the reviewer regrading the battle scenes.

I like DoppelBruce's Style.

I'm with you on DSII, especially the Scholar of the First Sin edition on PS4.

Well that's cool!

That short story was adapted into an episode of the tv series Monsters. It was season three I believe and Tom Noonan was the star. It was pretty good.

Since they are supposed to be doing two movies, I'm hoping for a Blu-Ray release called "The Book Cut" where they just edit both movies together to go back and forth as one long film.

Yeah they nailed the casting, Robert Prosky as Darnell was great.

Very true!

I liked the movie Christine better than the book. With Carpenter taking the 'ghost' element out and making the car sentient and in love, and the way Keith Gordon played it with the love angle, I thought it added an interesting element.

I wasn't crazy over the first season, too much Coen fan service to other movies I thought made it distracting, but I really liked the second season.

Ahhh why do they do it???!!!


Ha it's nine years later but you are getting your wish!

I just learned who this guy was and now it's over?

I thought there could have been more balance, I didn't think they needed the list all of the time, but I think it could have had more of a story line arc.

As funny as I thought the prison story line was, I had no idea where they thought they were going with it.