If my car can go sixty in first gear any local speed limits can get fucked. I'm only in first!
If my car can go sixty in first gear any local speed limits can get fucked. I'm only in first!
I am aghast at the destruction of private property.
When selling a 13 year old truck is your job, do your damn job. Right? Y’all making someone feel bad for requesting a photo that it isn’t all rust on the undercarriage? Get outta here.
I am very disappointed that this is the top comment. Do better, Jalopnik readers.
Word. As a Cincinnati fan I am so tired of the Steelers getting lauded for the things the Bengals get severely punished for. Burfict isn’t perfect, but he doesn’t deserve this much attention for what everybody else can get away with.
He might be German.
High Life was the best cheap domestic until Coors Banquet came back. However, I would recommend against making a wizard staff with it.
Fun game: precede a car model name with ‘anal.’ Enjoy!
At this point it’s hard to not think that you are a liar as well as an idiot.
You get ten points for that edit!
I love that the owner returned to complain about washer fluid causing smoke. What is it exactly that you think washer fluid does?!
I honestly doubt the Sentra was even aware of the kick and bet the swerve was more to scare the biker out of the lane. The swerve is pretty damn immediate. Regardless, dumb, dumb, dumb.
I’m with you, driving without a license on you is not the same as driving without a license (in my state at least). Give the officer your SS# and they look it up like they would anyway to check for outstanding warrants and the like. They run your plates before they even step out of the car.
People who pass on the right AT A HIGH RATE OF SPEED during rush hour.
I think you need more spokes.
Eisenhower used to smoke a pack and run five miles before 6am... Must be stressful being General of the Army.
As an intern for a small design firm I had to sign DNCs and NDAs... What the fuck hope does the Levandowski have for the idiocy he’s pulled?
Your wife is right, but that’s part of why I love it.
It’s strange to me how many well-to-do folks in this country can’t recognize they are, in fact, in the %1.
The only time it really bothered me is when I was finally strong enough to take on the guardians. Those suckers wear down your weapons like no tomorrow. Back to running away...