I LOVE THAT YOU REFERENCED THIS. Sir Terry knew what the fuck was up. I learned more about politics and economics (among other things) from Discworld than I did after four years in my fancy liberal arts university. The world is poorer without him.
I LOVE THAT YOU REFERENCED THIS. Sir Terry knew what the fuck was up. I learned more about politics and economics (among other things) from Discworld than I did after four years in my fancy liberal arts university. The world is poorer without him.
The government has nukes. How is a handgun going to help?
I had friends who were members of the NRA. That is, until the NRA fought to keep the assault weapon ban from being renewed. They all canceled their memberships in response because the NRA had been, at one point, actually for reasonable gun control. When they saw the NRA changing to a “guns for everyone” mentality,…
They still are, they just don’t get press. For example, a Lutheran church I went to for a few services said right in the bulletin some of their offerings were going to help a young woman who needed an abortion. It wasn’t newsworthy or controversial in that church.
Here’s the thing; if PR is backed up with actions, actions that are truly have an impact and mean something and benefit the lesser, then I could care less about if he’s “genuinely” better. Frankly, I think the world could benefit from tons more good PR + good actions, whether there’s “genuine” feeling behind it or…
I was a long-term substitute for a history class at a Junior High last year during black history month. Every Friday in February we’d watch a short documentary or read something about one of the less-known leaders/events/groups that fought for civil rights. At some point it occurred to me just how involved many…
People can change. I was anti-abortion even in college. I have learned in my short life that public figures say all sorts of stupid things, even the public figures I respect the most like Pelosi or Sotomayor or Obama have had major fuck ups. I have learned to forgive sporadic mistakes as long as they keep consistently…
Thank you for this article!
He’s cooler. He’s a Jesuit. They are cool and most Jesuits don't need to be cool for PR. They just are so I do believe he is cooler.
Day reportedly said “don’t call me a saint. I don’t want to be that easily dismissed.”
While the pope and Dorothy Day are/were anti-choice, I at least believe that they are more consistent than the so-called “pro-life” movement here. Instead of caring only for the fetus, these Catholic leaders oppose militarism, unbridled capitalism, and the death penalty. In his speech to Congress, the pope did touch…
All major religions are fucked up patriarchies! Just a reminder.
Right? Sorry, but you don’t get that label, no matter how much you want it, ma’am. I seriously doubt she’s gone through half the stuff most fat women have. That’s some Rachel Dolezal-level shit.
A cop once didn’t give my friend a ticket because I gave him my phone number.
I was on his twitter feed when he uploaded it. It autoplayed. I can’t get it out of my head. Those poor people and their families. I can’t even imagine.
oh they are out in force on gawker
As a white person, I’m fucking terrified that Trump is going to make some association on the media and only further the racial divide. I can see Fox having a field day. Ugh.
I found his twitter account right as he posted to videos. The video autoplayed. I’m just sitting at my desk feeling heartbroken and in shock.