You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.
zzzzzzzzzzzz :)
Call me drastic but isn’t the normal response to this situation to want to chop his dick off? Or at least Carrie Underwood style personal property destruction? I’m not saying you would/should act on those feelings but as someone that has been blindsided by a long distance cheater I can speak from experience that my…
I KNOW. Glamorous graduate school life? They’re also going to need some footage of me eating ramen in a shithole studio apartment, and, like, renewing my glamorous bus pass.
Oh, hell no. He doesn’t deserve happiness. You AIR THIS SHIT OUT to the wife’s family by any means necessary, as quickly as possible. Annulments are easier than divorces.
If the 11.600 RPM redline isn’t a good enough reason, I don’t know what is.
That’s one hell of a leap.
I never said I enjoyed killing anyone; I said the fact that the consequences of combat applied not only to my enemies, but to my character and his allies, felt realistic.
But way to stand that Straw Man up proudly, and without the first shred of self-awareness. Good work.
Shit happens when you forget to call.
The S&P Analyst was asked about his weekend plans and responded.
Pick up 3 and new Vegas, definitely worth it if you missed them.
Ooooooh, dude. Dude.
I understand why you’d have trouble with the original two games. They were amazing for when they came out, but the mechanics these days are pretty archaic. But Fallout 3 and New Vegas (ESPECIALLY New Vegas) are amazing games. If you get the GOTY editions for both, you’re looking at hundreds of…
I think that the origin of whatever is going on in her head involves her parents being the kind of people who would out her in public rather than quietly informing her bosses at the NAACP and getting mental health professionals involved. They let this go a loooong time, and then felt this was the way?
Sorry, something…
I’m trying very hard not to judge her, but my compass is moving consistently to psychopath. All the lies certainly don't help her case.
Sorry you hate America
Me too.
There is plenty of room in my heart for both Fallout 4 and Project Brazil.
I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI…