Please be AWD. Please be AWD. Please be AWD.
I read this comment expecting to be pissed off by the end, but I'm not. In fact, it's a stark lesson in value and economy.
I'm trying to think of something intelligent to say by way of a reply to the fact-vacuum you just shat from your mouth.
We haven't had a 4runner with a manual in decades - I'll be first in line if they offer a 'Trail' version with a manual. True switchable 4x4 with a manual and a 300hp motor is my preference. Until then, I'll keep my manual Xterra or wait for the next Wrangler Unlimted.
I think I want to know the power figures for that engine... If it's around 300, then GM just lost thousands of customers with it's 'slush box-only' midsize trucks.
That headline is garbage. Are we in 8th grade again?
Fuck. No. Just give me some knobs.
Aw, man. I love heated seats.
Police later found among the wreckage the "calling card" of a Colorado organized crime syndicate known for often violent coercion to maintain market share in the state. Local witnesses — most of whom are customers of the group — refused to answer questions, simply stating that accidents like this are what happens…
Sometimes I think good white people expect to be rewarded for their decency. We are not like those other white people. See how enlightened and aware we are? See how we are good?
I grew up in Michigan and Massachusetts. I now live in New Jersey.
Would you have said the same thing to the white Mississippi freedom riders? They were good white people, too, and they paid the ultimate price for their decision to stand up for justice. Or the straight folk who mourned the death of Matthew Shepard? Or the men who fight for equal pay for women? Or the able-bodied…
People who help others cheat are gross and lack personal ethics. That's just a truth.
You're basically absolving your friend of any blame for being a shitty person.
Are you sure they're hitting on him, and not just relieved to be able to talk to a man who probably won't hit on them? As someone who is not the slightest bit interested in poaching, having my intentions misunderstood is something that really concerns me. (Of course, if his partner is right there, I'd be trying to…
Oh no, how sad. Those guys have entertained me for many, many years. He will be dearly missed.
I just keep telling myself "It's coming; they're taking their time making it infinitely amazing and the wait will be worth it."
My wife drives a CR-V and the "Real Time AWD" system in those things is an absolute joke, especially in winter weather. Having owned Subarus and a Quattro-equipped Audi in the past, I feel like I'm fairly familiar with how a properly-sorted AWD system feels in the snow. With her car, it feels like there's absolutely…