
I think (emphasis on my guesses only) that we will see that level of innovation but in the production of batteries, not necessarily the battery tech itself. There’s just too much money on the table for someone not to figure out a way to make a lot of batteries fast. 

You know what would be a pretty quick way to get a lot of cash fast... sell the DCEU to Disney...

Yeah the same basic thing. I haven’t been quite as consistent but I would agree with the article in that consistency would probably improve things. We just moved into this house in April and a week or two later, I was grilling outside. I went inside to grab something and came out to see a crow snatching some carne

We’ve been training a crow in our backyard this summer. She definitely recognizes us and will “ask” for food. We’ve named her Monicaw

I have a black and white brother that has been bulletproof for years, was a cheap option up front and has no subscriptions or anything else. I am not a heavy printer user though so take that for what it is worth.

We have a hard time keeping actual garden plants alive. But milkweed showed up and has naturally spread across our garden and we get several monarchs a day (plus eggs and caterpillars). It’s a lot of fun!

My first thought was the Prius, but I believe that hybrid technology, in the grand scheme of things, will be a fairly limited stop gap solution. I obviously could be wrong, but by the end of this century, I think that people will still remember the Model S and the dawn of electric cars and have forgotten about the

I 100% agree with you on this. When the concept for the Buzz came out, I was ready to sign up right then. But it has gotten worse looking, more boring, less range, plus VW is already infamous for their software. To me, the Canoo is more intriguing and more in line with (my own) spirit of the original VW Bus.


I suspect that they do that intentionally. If apps were windowed that brings iPads too close to being competitors with MacOS. Plus the stretched design incentivizes app developers to create ipad versions to fix the lousy experience. But that could just be my conspiracy thinking.

I’m pretty surprised that Google doesn’t do something like this in the YouTube editor. They have strong AI skills in the pixel photo editor and the incentive to keep people creating new content in YouTube. Especially if they geared it toward their stories section, it could be a big hit and ensure that videos are

Big deal. I can leak a LOT more gas than that per year. Also, most of it is real big bang material.

I’m in a similar situation. But in our area the MSRP mach-e’s are so rare that I’m pretty sure I could sell it for over MSRP when the newer one comes in. Then get both tax discounts plus anything I made over MSRP.

Obviously the market could return to normalish, but I think the biggest thing preventing me from doing it

It’s weird that Facebook is both trying to be the next Parler and also appeal to a younger demographic. Those feel like mutually exclusive things. 

How much of car companies ceos whining about costs is just an attempt to get additional subsidies? It feels like auto giants are trying to play the underdog card in order to get more handouts, but I could just be overly cynical.

Let’s follow out this hypothetical, but with one twist: they are in a room with no windows. No one watches the fight, no one knows what happens in the room. Who comes out, what do they say happened in there, and what actually happened?

I went to a dealership to check out a Mach-E last night and they informed me that they were asking $20k over sticker. For reference that would put it at $75k. That’s also $5k more than the Mach-E GT edition that are much more available. I wish this were olden times and I could stand out front yelling “BOO” and

For me personally, my appetite for those other types is being satisfied by TV right now. The only films I need to see on a big screen are those big spectacle car crash movies. TV is just so good now, that I don’t need the same level of film experience.

The polestar 2 has a 303 mile version so you’re halfway there.

Same here. Honestly, I feel like if they just did an electrick Outback they could go back to printing money. It solves all of the problems that make the outback crappy but keeps the parts that everyone wants. Give it 250-300 mile range and Subaru would own the suburbs.

Nice! I interned in Ecuador that summer and my fiance had a job teaching out in the jungle for the whole school year. I was even in Baños around that time. I wonder if we crossed paths. I definitely have some strong memories of driving underpowered cars with dying transmissions up mountain roads. It is one of those